Thursday, November 21, 2019

Board Meeting November 11, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, November 11, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm. Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, Fred Deigert, Dorick Sauvageau

Stormwater system maintenance - The first item on the agenda was discussion of stormwater maintenance issues, correspondence with the City of Bozeman, and advice provided by the BCSCA attorney, Eric Nord. Sharyn made a motion to hold this discussion in Executive Session in order to maintain confidentiality of the details discussed. Motion approved. After discussion, the board approved sending a letter to the City which was prepared by Sharyn and reviewed by Eric Nord prior to the meeting.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Sept 9, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting were approved.

Design Review Committee –
Phase 3, lot 33. The committee was contacted by a realtor representing a buyer interested in purchasing this lot. The lot is still owned by the developer, Golf Course Partners. The buyer requested that the Design Committee grant approval of his building plans prior to his purchasing the lot, because he is concerned with the grade of the lot (will require fill to level for building) and the drainage easement that crosses the lot. The buyer submitted plans to the Committee, but since they were incomplete (the site plan did not include changes to grade) the Committee chose to treat his submission as a Preliminary Plan Review as provided in the Design Covenants. A list of outstanding items was provided to the buyer.

Since Preliminary Plan Review is not a complete review, the Committee decided that it does not require a Design Review fee. But, since it is a use of the Committee time and resources, Sharyn made a motion that the Board adopt a fee schedule for the first review at no charge, but any subsequent requests for Preliminary Plan Review for the same property incur a $50 Design Review fee. The $150 Design Review fee will be assessed when the complete plans are submitted for final review. Motion was seconded and approved.

Phase 1 lot 14. Plans were reviewed by the Design Review Committee, and approval was recommended with clarification that the landscaping plan designation of “turf” be clarified as natural grass to avoid any confusion with artificial turf. Motion made to approve plans with this clarification, seconded and approved.

Phase 1 lot 41-5. Plans for solar panel installation were submitted just prior to this meeting, so they were not reviewed by the Design Review Committee. The Board reviewed the plans, motion was made to approve, seconded and approved.

Phase 1 lot 57 Links Condos. Plans were submitted to Design Review Committee for the next phase of development. The Committee approved the plans, conditional on receiving a landscaping plan (not included) and an updated site plan (not included).

Financial Report – Statements and late fees were mailed at the end of October to members that have not paid their 2019/2020 dues assessments.

Vacant Property Maintenance Notices – Discussion regarding the success of monitoring and assessing fines for failure to mow was held, and all agreed to continue with this system next year. A reminder will be sent with the Annual Membership Meeting notice, and then inspection will be made every 30 days starting at June 1st. Vacant lots should be mowed by June 1st of each year, and then at least once every 30 days after that date. Lots that do not appear to have been maintained during the past month will be assessed the failure to mow fine. As new owners purchase undeveloped lots, this information will be communicated to them.
The meeting was adjourned at 7 pm.

Board Meeting schedule for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year – The Board will meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 pm.  The future meeting schedule is as follows (subject to change):
  • January 6, 2020
  • March 2, 2020
  • May 4, 2020 – Annual Membership Meeting
For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Board Meeting September 9, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, September 9, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, Fred Deigert and Dorick Sauvageau.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the June 3, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting were approved.

Design Review Committee – The committee approved the following items since the last board meeting:

  •         Landscaping plan for Phase 3 Lot 34 was approved. 
  •         Solar panel project for Phase 1 Lot 18 was approved. 
  •         Revised landscaping plan was approved for both the fence and change in plantings for Phase 1 Lot 43.

Financial Report – Sharyn distributed financial reports for the Fiscal Year End 6/30/19.  She may have some additional administrative expenses to submit.  Otherwise, expenses are within budget.  Tom requested that the old US Bank Checking account be closed now that the new Opportunity Bank Checking account is being used for deposits and paying bills.

Statements and late fees were mailed 9/1/19 to owners who have not paid their 2019/2020 dues assessments.  Tom requested that an updated Accounts Receivable report be emailed to the Board in October.

Vacant Property Maintenance Notices – Fees were assessed to owners who did not mow their vacant lots as outlined in the covenants.  Sharyn suggested that we file a lien on the lot with a high balance due if they do not pay by the November Board meeting.

Old Business
Phase 2 Park Tree - Sharyn reported that the “dead” tree in the Phase 2 park finally leafed out in June, so it does not need to be replace.  She will monitor the health of the tree next year.  

Storm Water Drainage Plan - Tom reported that there has been no progress on the Storm Water Drainage Plan.  Both Morrison-Maierle Engineers and Bridger Creek Golf Course have been too busy to meet about this project.  He will try to get a meeting set up this Fall.

New Business
Lawn Maintenance/Snow Removal Bid – Sharyn reported that Advantage Lawn Care submitted a bid for mowing, weed control and snow removal.  Their bid was higher than what Grass Chopper currently charges.  The Board agreed to stay with Grass Chopper for another year.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 pm.


Board Meeting schedule for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year – The Board will meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 pm.  The future meeting schedule is as follows:        

  •      November 4, 2019
  •         January 6, 2020
  •         March 2, 2020
  •         May 4, 2020 – Annual Membership Meeting

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Board Meeting June 3, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, June 3, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Fred Deigert and Dorick Sauvageau.  Dian Bottcher was absent.

Approval of Minutes – Sharyn moved to approve both sets of minutes from the May 6, 2019 Annual Membership meeting and Board of Directors Meeting.  Fred seconded the motion, and it was approved unanimously.

Design Review Committee – Sharyn moved to approve the new landscaping plan submitted for Phase 1 Lot 43.  Fred seconded the motion.  Sharyn shared the submitted plans and there was discussion about the revised fence location, fence height, fence style and vegetation location.  The motion passed on a 3-1 vote, with Dorick voting no.

The landscaping additions to Phase 1 Lot 47 were approved by the Design Review Committee.  The owners requested to add trees and shrubs along the border with the park.

Vacant Property Maintenance Notices – Tom instructed Kim Center, the administrative assistant, to mail notices to vacant lot property owners using the same letter as last year.  Tom will update the list of vacant lots and forward the list to Kim.  Tom suggested adding the new assessment to the letter so property owners know there is a $200 fee if their lot is not maintained in a timely manner during the summer.

Sharyn moved to remove a dead tree in the Phase 2 park and replace it.  Dorick seconded the motion.  The original tree was planted in honor of a past member who had significantly contributed to BCSCA.  Sharyn suggested working with Lawson’s Greenhouse within a budget of $500.  The motion carried.

Storm Water Repair Report – Tom reported there has been no activity since the last meeting, but he will contact Bridger Creek Golf Course to coordinate a plan for this year.

2019-2020 Dues Assessment – Sharyn moved to set the dues assessment at $75 for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.  Fred seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

New Business
Pet guidelines – Sharyn inquired about the Board’s obligation to enforce the BCSCA Bylaws regarding pets.  She reported that an owner has several dogs and cats which wander into neighboring yards, are often off leash, and create excessive noise (barking).  The owner does possess a kennel license from the City of Bozeman.  Tom suggested that Sharyn draft a regulation about animals to supplement the Bylaws.

BCSCA Website – Kim reported that all Minutes have been posted to the BCSCA website.  Future minutes will be circulated to the Board for review shortly after a Board meeting and posted to the website after approval of at least 3 Board.  The Board will approve the minutes at the next Board meeting, and a revised copy of the Minutes will be posted to the website if any changes are approved.  Tom also requested to add a link on the website listing all the recently adopted fees.

Board Meeting schedule for the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year – The Board will meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00 pm.  The schedule for the 2019-2020 year is as follows:
  • September 9, 2019
  • November 4, 2019
  • January 6, 2020
  • March 2, 2020
  • May 4, 2020 – Annual Membership Meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Annual Board of Directors' Meeting May 6, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, May 6, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 8 PM at the Holiday Inn, for the purpose of electing Officers to the Board.

Present: Dian Bottcher, Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson and Fred Diegert
Absent: Dorick Savageau.

Officer Positions

Nominations for Officers were made as follows:

            President – Tom Wilson
            Vice President – Sharyn Anhalt
            Treasurer – Dian Bottcher
            Secretary – Fred Diegert

motion was made to elect Officers as nominated, which passed unanimously.  Dorick Savageau remains in his position as Representative to the Association for Golf Course Partners.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

The next Board meeting will be held Monday, June 3, 2019 at 6:00 pm.
For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Annual Membership Meeting May 6, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Membership Meeting
Minutes of Meeting – May 6, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm at the Bozeman Holiday Inn, 5 East Baxter Lane.   

Board President, Tom Wilson, welcomed members to the membership meeting, and invited new neighbors to introduce themselves. Tom introduced the Board members who were present, and thanked Chad Bottcher for serving on the Design/Review Committee.

Confirm attendance and quorum
Sharyn Anhalt, Board Vice President, confirmed that a quorum was achieved and present for the meeting.  (See final quorum tally at the end of minutes.)

Parks and Trails Report 

Sharyn reported that the Phase 2 Triangle Park had an issue with gophers.  The Board will be attending to a number of maintenance issues this summer.  Sharyn requested that members notify the Board by email if they are aware of any maintenance issues concerning parks and trails.

Tom addressed the storm water drainage project including the pond on Boylan.  The goal this year is to get the ditches cleaned out.  Tom is working with the golf course and engineers on this project.  Unfortunately, sub-contractors are very busy and difficult to schedule this year.


Would it be beneficial to deed our parks to the City of Bozeman?  A: The Phase 3 park is deeded to the City, but BCSCA is required to do the maintenance.  The remaining parks are owned by BCSCA and the City does not have the capacity to take over these parks.

BCSCA owns a backpack sprayer.  Contact the Board if you need to borrow it.

The Phase 3 park also has a gopher problem.  A: Tom will add this to the maintenance list.       

Augusta Drive will be under construction sometime in June to replace the water main.  Watch for notifications from the City of Bozeman.       

The vacant lot owners on the inside loop of Boylan are not shoveling the sidewalks or mowing the grass on a regular basis.  A: Vacant lot maintenance notices will be included with the annual dues mailing and fines will be assessed if vacant lots are not mowed in a timely manner.  Members can report sidewalk shoveling issues on the City of Bozeman website.       

What can be done about weeds on vacant lots?  A: Contact the City/County weed board.       

Why did the City not plow the streets this winter?  A: Can’t answer this question.  Bozeman received a lot of snow in February/March and it was difficult for the City to keep up.       

What can we do about the parking on Birdie Drive?  A: Cars are currently allowed to park on both sides of the street, and Bridger Ski Foundation uses that street for parking.  It was suggested to contact the City Planning Office – in writing - to express your safety concerns and review BSF’s use of the building.

Design Review Committee Report

Sharyn presented the Design Review Report.  She introduced Chad Bottcher and thanked him for his help reviewing building designs submitted to the Committee for approval.  Sharyn reminded the members that exterior building changes need to be reviewed by the Committee.  There is no fee for this review, but a $50 fine will be assessed if plans are not submitted.  Repair or replacement of exterior finishes or landscaping with like for like (colors, materials, planting, etc.) do not require review.

Treasurer’s report for 2018-2019 fiscal year and Presentation of budget for July 2019 through June 2020, and member vote for approval

Sharyn introduced the Treasurer, Dian Bottcher.  Dian oversees the financial reports from Sharyn who is the Bookkeeper.  The proposed budget includes the $20,000 for the storm water drainage system maintenance that was not spent last year.  Dues notices will be sent out in June.  The Board has determined that dues can remain at $75 for 2019-2020, as shown in the proposed budget.  The Board recently moved the checking account from U.S. Bank to Opportunity Bank to avoid monthly service fees.

The vote on the budget was held by written ballot.

Nomination and Election for two Board of Director positions, serving two years to May 2021

The Board is composed of five directors, one Director is appointed by Golf Course Partners, four are elected by the membership.  Each term is two years and there are currently two openings.

Tom called for nominations and the two candidates on the ballot (Tom Wilson and Dian Bottcher) were nominated and seconded.  There were no nominations from the floor. 

The vote on the candidates was conducted by written ballot.  

New business

There was no new business brought before the membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kim Center, Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary for the Membership Meeting


Final vote tallies from written ballots, counted after the close of the meeting:

Present in person or by proxy = 135 (109 needed for a quorum)

Vote for Directors serving May 2019 – May 2021:

123      Tom Wilson
123      Dian Bottcher

Vote to approve budget:

127      Yes
    2      No

Friday, May 3, 2019

Board Meeting May 1, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday May 1, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, Fred Deigert, Dorick Sauvageau.

Approval of Minutes – There was a motion to approve the minutes from the March 4, 2019 meeting, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Design Review Committee – Exterior changes to the home in phase 1, lot 1 were received by the Board. Changes included replacing a privacy fence, adding fencing to a side deck area, and enclosing a breezeway between the garage and house to improve the functionality and look of the front of the home. In addition, the home will be repainted with updated colors. The fencing plans meet the criteria established by the board for privacy fencing. There was a motion to approve the plans as submitted, seconded and approved unanimously.

Plans for a new home to be built in Phase 3 lot 43 have been received by the Design Committee. Plans had been reviewed previously, and sent back to the owner for changes. Chad Bottcher has reviewed the final version of all plans, and submitted a report to the Board recommending approval.  There was a motion to approve the final plans, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Sharyn reported that the home currently being built in Phase 1, lot 13 submitted changes to exterior colors and finishes. These plans were originally reviewed and approved by Dave Andreassi. As previously approved by the Board, Sharyn may approve minor exterior changes that meet the Covenants and then report those approvals at the next Board Meeting. The color changes were approved. In the process of review, there was a question about whether certain aspects of the landscape plan were originally approved by Dave; Dorick will contact Dave to get the plans he reviewed and approved.

Dorick reported that they are in the process of drawing plans for the next phase of the Links Condo project and will submit those for approval prior to beginning construction.

Annual Membership Meeting – Sharyn provided an update on the plans for the annual meeting, and the agenda was reviewed by the board. The 2019 meeting will be held Monday, May 6, 2019, at the Holiday Inn (5 Baxter Lane, Bozeman).

Finances – Tom met with US Bank, our current bank, to discuss fees charged to the checking account. They are not able to adjust any fees. There was a motion to begin the process to close the US Bank account and transfer all funds to a new account to be open at Opportunity Bank. Motion was seconded and approved. Tom and Dian will open the new account as soon as possible so that checks and deposit slips can be ordered.

There was a motion to have signers on the Opportunity Bank checking account as the Treasurer and the President. Current signers will be Tom Wilson, President and Dian Bottcher, Treasurer. Motion was seconded and approved.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

The Annual Membership Meeting will be held May 6, 2019 at 7 pm at the Holiday Inn (5 Baxter Lane, Bozeman).  The schedule for the Board meetings for 2019-2020 will be set by the new Board at their meeting to be held in May/June 2019.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Board Meeting March 4, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, March 4, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, and Fred Deigert.  Dorick Sauvageau was absent.

Approval of Minutes – There was a motion to approve the minutes from the February 13, 2019 meeting, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Design Review Committee – There was no new business to come before the Design Review Committee. 

Review of Financial Reports, Draft Budget for next Fiscal Year – A draft budget was discussed for FY 2019-2020 based on historical income and expenditures.  Tom requested increasing the Repairs and Maintenance line item to include the first phase of the storm water repair project.  After reviewing the financial reports and proposed budget, it was determined that increasing dues for FY 2019-2020 would not be necessary.

Storm Water Repair Report – Tom reported there has been no activity since the last meeting, but he will contact the management at Bridger Creek Golf Course to coordinate the first phase of storm water repair work for this year.

Annual Membership Meeting – The Annual Meeting Notice, Proposed Budget, Proxy Form, current Financial Statements, and Annual Meeting Agenda were reviewed and discussed.  Sharyn will circulate updated draft documents before the end of March.  Kim will insure that the Annual Meeting Notices are mailed in early April.  Our Bylaws require the annual membership meeting to be held the first Monday of May.  The 2019 meeting will be held Monday, May 6, 2019, at the Holiday Inn (5 Baxter Lane, Bozeman).

New Business –
·        Tom will talk to US Bank about a free checking account.  The current checking account is charged a $5/month fee.
·        Dian and Sharyn will obtain bids for the mowing and snow removal services.
·        Dian will find out who has the key for the irrigation box.
·        The BCSCA website will be updated (current minutes, etc.) in preparation for the Annual Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

The Annual Membership Meeting will be held May 6, 2019 at 7 pm at the Holiday Inn (5 Baxter Lane, Bozeman).  The schedule for the Board meetings for 2019-2020 will be set by the new Board at their meeting to be held in May/June 2019.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Board Meeting February 13, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, and Dorick Sauvageau.  Fred Deigert was absent.

Approval of Minutes – There was a motion to approve the minutes from the November 5, 2018 meeting, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Design Review Committee – The Board reviewed Chad Bottcher’s report on Phase 1 Lot 32.  The height of the structure was discussed and noted that it is at the allowable maximum of 24 feet.  Two items were discussed that are different than the design guidelines: 
  1. Secondary roof lines are proposed at a 3:12 pitch instead of the minimum 4:12 pitch stated in the Design Covenants. This roof pitch is appropriate to the design and has been allowed with previous homes in the subdivision.
  2. The covenants are vague regarding fencing, so the Board has previously adopted guidelines for their approval. Fencing should not incorporate the perimeter of a lot, should be at least 1 foot inside any lot lines, and should not be visible from the street. This design has proposed a small fenced area at the east side.
Sharyn made a motion to approve the design with the 3:12 secondary roof pitch, provided the fence is moved 1 foot inside the lot line and is screened from the street with landscaping.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Storm water repair report – Tom reported there has been no activity since the last meeting.  Sharyn reported that the bill from Morrison-Maierle for prints has been paid.

Old Business/New Business
The Board discussed the vehicles and equipment that have been parked for some time in the cul-de-sac at Lot 44 on Caddie Court.  It is difficult for residents and snow removal vehicles to move around these vehicles.  The City of Bozeman has been contacted.  Sharyn will send an email to notify the homeowner.

Sharyn will check with Karen Jennings to see if a space was reserved for the Annual meeting in May.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held March 4, 2019 @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.