Friday, December 8, 2017

Special Board Meeting Minutes Dec 6 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm at Tom Wilson’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher, Dorick Savageau and Karin Jennings were present.

12 Acre Murphy Property/Easement – Tom made a motion to move forward on the draft Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Easement; seconded by Sharyn. Following discussion a vote was taken which did not pass, with 3 opposed (Sharyn, Karin and Dian) and 1 in favor (Tom), with Dorick abstaining. Tom will notify Murphy of the decision to not move forward on the access easement.

Dorick excused himself from the meeting.

Sharyn volunteered to draft a public comment statement for the City Commission hearing of the appeal of the Links site plan on behalf of BCSCA. The comment will cover BCSCA’s position that access to the Murphy property should not be a condition of the Links site plan approval.The statement will be circulated and approved via email prior to submitting to the city.

Approval of Minutes – A motion was made to approve the minutes from the November 29, 2017 meeting, which was seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Stormwater System Update – Sharyn made a motion to accept the $2500 proposal from Morrison Maierle for engineering services to develop a multi-year plan for maintenance of the stormwater system in all three phases of Bridger Creek, seconded by Dian, which was approved unanimously. This is just the first step in a multi-step process. Tom will begin the process with Morrison Maierle.

Follow-up on Transfer of the Trail – Sharyn reported that she forwarded the Quitclaim Deed to Jack Schunke on November 30th who indicated he will present to the Golf Course Partners board for approval and signature.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held January 8th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Special Board Meeting Minutes Nov 29 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at Karin Jennings’ house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher, Dorick Savageau and Karin Jennings were present.

Approval of Minutes – A motion was made to approve the minutes from the November 4, 2017 meeting, which was seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Stormwater System Update – Tom reported that he has been in communication with Jim Ulman (Engineer at Morrison Maierle) and has received a bid for $2,500 relating to review of and planning for maintenance of the stormwater systems on Association and Golf Course Partner’s (GCP) properties. He will forward the email to the Board for review and further discussion.

Follow-up on Transfer of the Trail – Sharyn reported that BCSCA’s lawyer Eric Nord prepared a Quitclaim Deed for transfer of the Phase 1 trail parcel from GCP to the Association. The Board has reviewed the deed and Sharyn will ask Eric to prepare a final document and forward it to Jack Schunke to provide for GCP’s signature and return for filing with the County Clerk and Recorder’s office.

12 Acre Murphy Property/Easement – After the decision of the board at the Nov 4th meeting to not negotiate an easement, the board received new communication and has agreed to discuss possible conditions for allowing access from Boylan Road to the 12 acre Murphy (Bridger Center LLC) property. Following discussion of goals for negotiating an access easement, which were determined to be minimizing density/traffic and financial impacts to BCSCA, the following conditions were summarized in order for the Board to grant public access to the Bridger Center LLC property from Boylan Road:
1)     Development shall be zoned R1 to provide for minimum density.
2)     The property is accepted by the City of Bozeman for annexation with R1 zoning, with adoption of covenants and design standards substantially similar to those of the Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association. The goal is to provide for minimum density of development and similar architectural standards to the adjoining neighborhood. The Board discussed the possibility of requiring that the Murphy property join BCSCA, but agreed that the expense and logistics of that requirement make it impractical.
3)     BCSCA shall be reimbursed for legal fees totaling $3700 that were incurred in order to grant the sewer/water easement to the City of Bozeman that benefits the Murphy property, and that was recorded as a part of the Links site plan application. In addition, Murphy will reimburse BCSCA for all costs to complete any contracts or easement documents related to granting the proposed access easement from Boylan Rd to the Murphy property.
4)     In exchange for negotiating, executing and recording the final access easement (which will not occur until the Murphy property has been annexed to the City of Bozeman with R1 zoning) Bridger Center LLC shall pay BCSCA $20,000.
5)     These listed conditions will be incorporated in an agreement between BCSCA and Bridger Center LLC. The agreement will be drafted by Bridger Center LLC’s attorney and reviewed by BCSCA’s attorney, and the Board will meet again to discuss and consider the final version of the agreement. Once this agreement has been accepted by both parties, Bridger Center LLC will drop the Appeal of the Links site plan prior to the December 13, 2017 City of Bozeman Commission meeting.
Tom made a motion to accept these conditions as written above and to forward them to Murphy/Bridger Center LLC for preparation of a draft agreement. The motion was seconded and approved with four (4) votes, with Dorick abstaining due to his role as Golf Course Partners’ Representative to the Board.
Sharyn asked for the minutes to reflect that she approved the motion with the condition that GCP move forward in cooperating with BCSCA on the stormwater system located on both parties properties, and execute the quitclaim deed discussed earlier.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held January 8th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Board Meeting Minutes Nov 4 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Saturday, November 4, 2017

The meeting was rescheduled from November 6 for a quorum to be present, and was called to order at 8:00 am at Tom Wilson’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Karin Jennings and Dorick Savageau were present; Dian Bottcher was absent.

Approval of Minutes – There was a motion to approve the minutes from the September 19 meeting, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Design Review – The Board reviewed and discussed a request for a fence from 2417 Par Court, which is designed to be of minimal enclosure on the north side of the house (not the perimeter of the lot) and retains the open feel of the neighborhood by using wood and wire (except for the privacy panel on the patio which is the same distance from the trail as the garage). Tom made a motion to approve the proposed fence, which was seconded and passed by vote of 3, with Dorrick opposed.

A proposal for a patio was received from 1009 Boylan to recapture their views of the Bridgers as their neighbor’s trees have grown to obscure their previous view. Dave Andreassi (Design Review Committee Chair) communicated with the owner and reviewed and approved the requested patio.

Easement – The Board met to discuss communications regarding access from the 12 acre Murphy parcel. Following discussion Tom made a motion to postpone any further discussions until Murphy obtains appropriate City approvals and annexation, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

The hearing for Murphy’s Appeal of the Links Development was to be November 13, but the City has postponed it and the date is not yet known. Sharyn will draft written comments from the Board to be submitted once public comment is reopened on the Appeal, to be circulated and approved by email prior to submission.

New Business – The Board discussed that the Phase 1 trail has still not been deeded to the Association following prior requests of Golf Course Partners. This is the reason the Association did not receive notice from the City of the Appeal hearing. Following discussion it was agreed to ask our attorney, Eric Nord, to draft the Deed for formal transfer to be sent to GCP for signature and recording with the County.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 am.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held Monday, January 8th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Board meeting minutes, September 19, 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at Tom Wilson’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher (by phone), and Karin Jennings were present; Dorick Savageau was absent.

Easement – The Board met to discuss easement issues relating to the 12 acre Murphy parcel and the Continued Appeal on Golf Course Partners’ Links development. Following discussion a motion was made to instruct our (association) lawyer, Eric Nord, to contact Tom Murphy and offer to discuss a potential gated emergency access to the 12 acre property across the park from Boylan Road.

Approval of Minutes – Following discussion that there were several minutes needing formal approval Tom made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 5, August 1, August 9 and September 11 meetings. Sharyn will post them to the association web site.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held November 6th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Board meeting minutes, September 11 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, September 11, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm at Tom Wilson’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher (by phone), Karin Jennings and Dorick Savageau were present.

Approval of Minutes – Karin neglected to recirculate minutes ahead of this meeting so formal approval will be postponed.

12 Acre Murphy Property / Utility Easement The Board has received a copy of the signed Utility Easement between the Association and the City. The Board discussed the property and the possible implications of the City Commission meeting on August 28th. No action was taken.

Management Company – The Board still hasn’t received a copy of the draft contract since meeting with Minnick Management on August 9. Following further discussion of the Association’s needs Tom made a motion to terminate and put on hold indefinitely the negotiations with Minnick Management.

Board Vacancies in May – With two vacancies coming on the Board in May the Board discussed initiating discussions with possible candidates to assess interest. Others that are interested in serving are encouraged to contact the Board through email (see below).

New Business – Sharyn reported parking issues related to the cross-country running meet that was held at the golf course recently, and concerns about emergency access and pedestrian safety. Following discussion Sharyn agreed to speak with Mark Holiday of Great Northern Golf to find possible solutions for future events.

There were two recent Design Review approvals: 1) plans for a new home at 1015 Boylan Road were approved (Sharyn will confirm whether D/R fee has been received); and 2) patio remodel at the residence at Lot 35, Phase 2 (Augusta) was approved.

Karin reported that the small ballroom at the GranTree Inn has reserved for the Annual Membership Meeting to be held on Monday, May 7, 2018, 7-9 pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held November 6th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Board meeting minutes, August 9 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The following Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Karin Jennings and Dian Bottcher met with Lindsay Minnick at the Minnick Management offices in Bozeman. Dorick Savageau was absent.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Association’s needs and the services which Minnick Management could provide to the Association. No actions were taken.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 am.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Board Meeting Minutes August 1 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, August 1, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm at Dian Bottcher’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher, and Karin Jennings were present; Dorick Savageau was absent.

Management Company – A proposal received from Minnick Management was reviewed and discussed. Tom made a motion to hire Minnick at the $4/lot/month fee level contingent on reviewing the terms of a contract.

Stormwater Systems – Karin provided Tom with engineering plans and other documents relating to the stormwater systems and next steps were revisited now that he has access to this information.

Lot Maintenance – Tom reported that almost all lots have completed mowing in response to the reminder letter sent from the Board. 

Easement Request for Murphy Property Sharyn reported that she recently requested a copy of the fully executed Utility Easement between the Association and the City, since it hasn’t yet been provided to us for our records.

Design Review – Tom reported that he received approval from Dave Andreassi (committee chair) for his patio (phase 3, lot 21).

The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held September 11th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Board Meeting Minutes, June 5 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, June 5, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm at Tom Wilson’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher, Karin Jennings and Dorick Savageau were present

Approval of Minutes The minutes from the Board Meeting held May 22, 2017 were approved unanimously without modification.

Easement Request for Murphy Property Following review and discussion a motion was made for the Board to sign the revised Utility Easement between the Association and the City with the legal changes required by the City; which was approved unanimously. Per the terms of the Utility Easement it will not “become valid and effective until such time as the benefited property has received final site plan or final subdivision plat approval from the City of Bozeman.” The previous agreement between the Association and Golf Course Partners will also be updated to reflect the new Utility Easement date.

Stormwater Systems – Dorick reported that he presented sharing of maintenance costs for the subdivision’s stormwater systems to Golf Course Partners and reported that Golf Course Partner’s answer is “no”. Following further discussion it was agreed that Tom will seek bids from Morrison Maeirle (original engineering firm for development of the subdivision) as well as others to initiate review of the stormwater systems for the next steps, including budgeting.

Management Company – Tom reported that he contacted several (4-5) companies with experience managing homeowner’s associations. Several expressed that they were too busy to take on any more associations. Tom will follow up with and obtain a proposal from one company to circulate for review by the Board and further steps, if any.

Lot Maintenance – Following discussion the Board agreed to draft and send a letter to owners of vacant lots that are not mowing or managing noxious weeds. It was further agreed to not take action on complaints regarding developed lots due to the subjective nature of such complaints. Noxious weed complaints can be reported directly to the County for enforcement (  

Dues Notices – A motion was made to submit annual dues notices by mail in the amount of $75/lot for FY July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018; which was approved unanimously.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held September 11th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Board Meeting minutes, May 22, 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, May 22, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm at Dian Bottcher’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher, Karin Jennings and Dorick Savageau were present

Approval of Minutes The minutes from the Annual Board Meeting held May 1, 2017 for purpose of designating board positions were approved unanimously.

Design Review Report – Revised landscape plans with golf ball net were submitted for Phase 3, lot 4 (Vyse). Plans were reviewed by the Board. Sharyn will contact the owner with a few clarification questions. The plans were approved pending clarification, with the requirement that the net be placed at least 1 foot inside the property line. 

Park and Trails Report – Karin reported that the damage to the trail near the Triangle Park in Phase 1 from work being done on property owned by Greenspace Landscape off Bridger Drive has been repaired. Additionally, shrubs leaning into the trail to the west of the Triangle Park were pruned back this past weekend by Karin and Stuart.

Set Board Meeting Schedule for 2017-2018 – Regularly scheduled meetings were set for 6:00 pm on the first Monday (or second if first is a holiday) on the following dates: June 5, September 11, November 6, January 8, and March 5. Additional Special Board Meetings may be called if business arises which needs to be addressed between Regular meetings.

Management Company Next Steps – The Board will obtain proposals and related information from several management companies which are accustomed to managing associations (not simply property rentals). Tom volunteered to do much of the legwork for obtaining proposals with the goal to discuss further at the June meeting.

Easement Request for Murphy Property The Board was surprised to receive communication from GCP’s lawyer that the City had additional comments on the Easement that the Association already signed, having previously received communication that it had been reviewed by all parties. Dorick said that Jack Schunke did not have any information when they last spoke, and he will follow up with him. The Board agreed to table the discussion until more information is available.

Stormwater Systems Next Steps – The Board discussed that the stormwater systems within the subdivision function with and therefore need to be coordinated with those on the golf course (which is not a member of the association). Dorick will discuss with Jack Schunke of Morrison Maeirle (MM) and affiliated with Golf Course Partners (GCP) (developer and owner of the Golf Course) to get assistance from one of the engineers at MM who was involved with development of the subdivision and golf course. Following initial engineer review the Board expects to discuss with GCP’s Board how best to cooperate on their combined stormwater systems.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held June 5th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Annual Board Meeting minutes

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, May 1, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 8:50 PM at the Comfort Inn, for the purpose of electing Officers to the Board.

Present: Dian Bottcher, Karin Jennings, Sharyn Anhalt and Tom Wilson.
Absent: Dorick Savageau.

Officer Positions
Nominations for Officers were made as follows:
            President – Sharyn Anhalt
            Vice President – Tom Wilson
            Treasurer – Dian Bottcher
            Secretary – Karin Jennings

A motion was made to elect Officers as nominated, which passed unanimously. Dorick Savageau remains in his position as Representative to the Association for Golf Course Partners.

Next meeting of the Board was set for Monday, May 22 at 6 pm.

Any member who is interested in attending is requested to contact to indicate their interest in attending and learn where the meeting will be held. We are meeting in Board member homes to save room rental costs, unless a larger space is needed due to additional attendees.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Membership Meeting
Minutes of Meeting – May 1, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. at the Comfort Inn. 
The Board President, Sharyn Anhalt, welcomed members to the membership meeting, reminding members that this is a membership meeting, not a board meeting. 
Officially Nominate and Appoint Chairperson (Moderator)
Paul Gianas was nominated as Chairperson and was approved by the membership.  Paul provided an overview of the meeting procedures.
 Officially Nominate and Appoint Recording Secretary for the meeting
Karin Jennings was nominated as recording secretary for this meeting and she was approved by the membership.
Confirm Attendance and Quorum
Sharyn confirmed that a Quorum was achieved and present for the meeting.
 Park and Trail Committee Report
Guest Presentation: Kyle Mehrens, City of Bozeman Stormwater Coordinator
Kyle provided an overview of the City’s stormwater program and his review of the Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association’s stormwater resources and structures. The Stormwater Division is relatively new for the City, ~one year old. The drivers for the Stormwater Division are flood control, water quality and state/federal environmental regulations.
Stormwater basins are engineered systems designed to retain or detain stormwater for flood control and/or treatment. There are currently 430 systems throughout the City. BCSCA has 1.6% of these systems (7 stormwater basins and 13 stormwater ditches).
Stormwater basin maintenance (post construction) has been lacking throughout the City. The City Commission has established that maintenance of these systems is the responsibility of homeowner’s association (HOA owned and maintained). Maintenance is required to ensure the systems are properly functioning and the City is currently working on educating HOAs of this responsibility.
               An inventory of the BCSCA stormwater systems show a lack of preventative maintenance (a City-wide problem), overgrown and decayed/ing vegetation, loss of basin (pond) volume, broken structures/pipes, and excessive foundation drain inputs. An issue specific to BCSCA is the need to coordinate with the developer (Golf Course Partners) as the structures on HOA properties are integrated with structures on the golf course (not part of the HOA). All of our systems drain into the East Gallatin River.
               Maintenance can be very costly because City-wide it has been deferred due to lack of knowledge that it needed to be done. For example, Harvest Creek has 12 ponds and their worst pond cost ~$10k to remove 3 feet of sediment in order to regain its original capacity. Recommends developing a stormwater basin maintenance strategy based on risk mitigation (consequence + likelihood = risk). The risk is potential of localized flooding and infrastructure damage without maintenance. Think about what assets need maintenance every 1 year, 5 years or 10 years and plan accordingly. Strongly recommends obtaining professional help from an engineer.
·        How much maintenance can be done by volunteers? A: some of the minor work; burning vegetation not advised.
·        Subdivision responsibility? A: Yes. Commission has ruled that. The City is responsible for maintenance of structures within the public right of way, such as basins, sewers, etc on city streets. Commission also established a stormwater credit that is applied to water/sewer bill for residents of subdivisions (outside City core area) to balance the maintenance expenses.
·        If the MS4 Program is 15 years old why are we just now hearing about this? A: The state established the MS4 program governing all Montana cities >40k population. The City started addressing this requirement about 6 years ago and just established the Stormwater Division about a year ago.
·        The City is talking about taking over the maintenance of all parks. If stormwater systems are within those parks would their maintenance become the responsibility of the City? A: can’t answer that as it is still under discussion. Recommends Craig Wollard.
 Design Review Committee Report
Karin Jennings reported for Dave Andreassi, Committee Chair. The following were approved over the past year:
  • Replaced front door and built new deck (3109 Augusta Dr)
  • Built flagstone patio (2514 Putter Ct)
  • New home (1007 Boylan Rd)
  • New home (1024 Boylan Rd)
  • Repaint exterior (3105 Augusta Dr)
  • Replace deck railing with steel (1055 Boylan Rd)
Sharyn provided a reminder that any exterior changes for your home need to go through Design Review (e.g., roofing, paint/stain color, construction/addition/demolition, significant landscaping). If you are only replacing like for like (repainting same color, reroofing with same roof type) review is not needed.
 Management Company Discussion
Sharyn explained that the Board is looking into hiring a management company for the Association. BCSCA is one of the largest HOAs in the city that continues to be run by volunteers instead of a management company. Our Covenants allow Board to hire a manager without requiring a vote of the membership. Our minimum annual dues are currently $75 per year. Hiring a management company will likely increase our dues, but the amount of increase will depend on the company retained and what the Board expects them to handle. This is still under discussion but the Board wanted to inform the membership of its rationale for looking into it and seeks feedback.
               The downside to hiring a management company would be the potential increase in association dues. However there are many positive aspects, including making it easier for volunteers to step into Board positions. A management company could conduct the day to day operations, manage subcontractors (obtain bids and oversee work), manage communications (mailing, web site, emails, central person to call), handle insurance and state filings for the association, manage records for consistency (meeting minutes and decisions/history), and board training (what are your responsibilities?). They are required to carry insurance and be licensed. The Association would still be governed by a Board of Directors, but the Board would be able to simply meet and make decisions – the leg-work for most aspects of the Association could be done by the management company. The management company would work at the direction of the Board, but could also advise the Board on best practices.
·        How much would annual cost be? A: unknown as this is still under discussion by the Board and it depends on the company and what they are asked to do.
·        Comment provided that Village Greens (18 units) hired a management company a few years ago and it was money well spent. Their association (within the larger BCSCA Association) runs very smoothly now and it has “made all the difference”.
·        Would a management company build trails in our subdivision? A: any improvements requires a vote of the membership, but if a project were presented by the Board and approved by the membership, a management company would likely hire contractors and oversee such a project.
·        Sharyn reminded that the Board can hire a manager without a vote of the membership (per our Covenants). The membership approved a minimum annual assessment of$75 per year in 2002. Unless or until the minimum assessment is raised, the board would need to gain approval from the membership for an increased assessment each year to cover maintenance, including management fees. But, even if the membership votes down an increased assessment, the board can impose a Special Assessment to cover increased maintenance costs.
·        Was enough feedback received from those present at this meeting? A: yes, seems generally favorable with this transition.
Treasurer’s Report for 2016-2017 Fiscal Year and Presentation of Budget for July 2017 through June 2018, with Member Vote for Approval
The proposed budget was presented to the membership, and the floor opened for questions.
·        The Board has typically tried to retain at least one year of dues reserved for cash flow and unexpected expenses. Repairs and Maintenance is proposed to be $20k in this years’ budget, primarily for stormwater system maintenance, or at least initiating such maintenance.
·        For non-paying members, does the Board file liens? A: yes. We are generally successful with having dues paid via the Title Companies during sale of a home/unit. There are only a few with dues outstanding for > 3 years.
·        Does the State of Montana require an amount to be held in reserve? A: no – many other states do but Montana does not.
Vote on the budget was held by written ballot.
 Nomination and Election for two Board of Director positions, serving two years to May 2019
The Board is composed of five directors, one Director is appointed by Golf Course Partners, four are elected by the membership. Each term is two years and there are currently two openings. 
 Paul asked for nominations and all four candidates on the ballot (Dian Bottcher, Tom Wilson, Kathleen Vanuka and Tim Russell) were nominated and seconded.  Sharyn informed the membership that our Bylaws require nomination of candidates at the membership meeting. We present candidates for vote on the ballot/proxy for convenience of voting by mail and ensuring there are people willing to serve. The vote on the candidates was conducted by written ballot.
 New Business
Kate McDowell reminded residents of the stop sign at the corner of Boylan and Birdie.
Dan Semsch raised the issue of parking on both sides of Birdie and that accessing that street is especially difficult in the winter with snow banks. Sharyn commented that the Board recently requested no parking signs to be installed at the entrance of Augusta Drive for emergency vehicle access. It was mentioned that the City has installed similar signs at the intersection of Birdie and Bridger Drive.
 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
 Respectfully submitted,
Karin Jennings, Recording Secretary for Membership Meeting
Final vote tallies from written ballots, counted after the close of the meeting:
Present in person or by proxy = 149 (109 needed for a quorum)
 Vote for Directors serving May 2017-May 2019:
Dian Bottcher  107
Tom Wilson    94
Tim Russell   27
Kathleen Vanuka   26
 Vote to approve budget:  124 Yes; 6 No

(One person who voted No wrote a note that they didn't think we should spend any reserves, and should instead collect more this year to pay for maintenance.)

Friday, March 24, 2017

Special Board Meeting, March 9 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Thursday, March 9, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 am at Morrison Maierle’s offices in Bozeman.

Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Karin Jennings and Dorick Savageau were present; Dian Bottcher was absent. Also present were Debbie Dehmer, Jack Schunke, Dick Parker, and John Kiunsey of Golf Course Partners (GCP) and Jim Ullman of Morrison Maierle.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the outstanding issues regarding the Utility Easement request from GCP (as identified at the March 6, 2017 BCSCA Board Meeting. Additionally, the Board was seeking more information from Morrison Maierle regarding the French drain installed by Village Green Townhome Association in 2008 and how that drain system integrates with the stormwater system (drainage swale and retention pond) in the Phase 1 park.

Following discussion the Board and GCP agreed that the final version of the Utility Easement will include the following items (BCSCA Board agreed unanimously to these conditions, with Dorick abstaining from the vote due to conflict of interest):
1. The Exhibit attached to the easement will identify the location and approximate depth of the French drain.
2. The easement language will reference the French drain and specify that installation of utilities will not interfere with the function of that drain.
3. The easement will include provision for both water and sewer utilities.
4. GCP and BCSCA will execute an agreement, at the same time the easement is granted, specifying that GCP will not request any further easements under Article V Sec 5c of the BCSCA Covenants related to the Phase 1 private park.

The following information regarding the Village Green Townhome French drain system and BCSCA stormwater system in the Phase 1 park was identified, along with action to be taken:
1.     At the time of installation, the additional water flowing into the stormwater system was not calculated or considered, as it was not required by code at the time, per Jim Ullman.
2.     The stormwater system is in need of maintenance so that it functions properly. The additional water flow from the French drain has magnified the issue. The Board will get bids for performing this maintenance, along with developing a regular maintenance schedule for this and all stormwater systems throughout Bridger Creek Subdivision.
3.     First step to improve the function of the stormwater pond is to clean the outlet. This can be done manually with boots and a shovel. Karin has volunteered to do this work in the next few weeks ahead of spring run off.
4.     Contact Village Green Townhome Association to request that they move the French drain outlet to discharge below the retention pond. Removing the constant fresh water entering the stormwater system is essential to its function and long-term maintenance. Sharyn will contact Dan Semsch, President of Village Greens.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 am.