Bridger Creek
Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of
Directors’ Meeting
Monday, August 1,
The meeting was called
to order at 6:05 pm at Dian Bottcher’s house.
members: Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian
Bottcher, and Karin Jennings were present; Dorick Savageau was absent.
Management Company – A proposal received from Minnick
Management was reviewed and discussed. Tom made a motion to hire Minnick
at the $4/lot/month fee level contingent on reviewing the terms of a contract.
Stormwater Systems – Karin provided Tom with engineering
plans and other documents relating to the stormwater systems and next steps
were revisited now that he has access to this information.
Lot Maintenance – Tom reported that almost all lots
have completed mowing in response to the reminder letter sent from the
Easement Request for
Murphy Property –
Sharyn reported that she recently requested a copy of the fully executed
Utility Easement between the Association and the City, since it hasn’t yet been
provided to us for our records.
Design Review – Tom reported that he received
approval from Dave Andreassi (committee chair) for his patio (phase 3, lot 21).
The meeting was
adjourned at 7:15 pm.
next regularly scheduled meeting will be held September 11th @ 6:00 pm.
any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email
and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay
for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board
members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.