Monday, September 7, 2015

Special Board Meeting Sept 3rd

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Thursday, September 3, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm at Karin Jennings’s home (Boylan Drive).
Board members present:  Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher and Karin Jennings; absent were Bill Ranard and Dorick Savageau.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board Meeting of July 23, 2015 were approved unanimously without modification. 

Request for Fence Approval – The proposal and request for a fence to be installed in the backyard of Lot 61, Phase 1 (Boylan) was reviewed and discussed. The fence request was approved unanimously, on the following conditions:
1.     that the fence is not (generally) visible from the front of the home;
2.     the materials are cedar split rail with wire mesh to allow unobstructed views;
3.     the fence location will be surveyed for property boundaries prior to installation;
4.     the fence will be installed at least one foot (12 inches) inside the property line(s) to allow for maintenance along the trail and adjoining properties; and
5.     installation is subject to obtaining a building permit from the City of Bozeman.

Tom Murphy (12 Acre Parcel Adjacent to Phase 1 Park off Boylan Road) – Public Notice signs have been posted on the property indicating that Mr. Murphy is applying to the County for a Zone Map Amendment to change the zoning from Agricultural-Suburban (A-S) to Manufacturing and Industrial (M-1), for both this parcel and the adjoining “Zigg’s” property to the north. This request has been scheduled for Public Hearings and is on the Agendas for the October 13 County Planning Board and the October 27 County Commission meetings.

The Board will discuss its response and participation in the hearings at its September Board meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 pm.

The next meeting will be held September 28 @ 6:30.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for the Masonic Temple meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Special Board Meeting July 23 2015

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Thursday, July 23, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 5:45 pm at Dian Bottcher’s home (Augusta Drive).
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Bill Ranard, Dian Bottcher, Dorick Savageau and Karin Jennings were present.

Approval of Agenda – The Agenda was modified to move the Executive Committee discussion ahead of the committee reports, and approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board Meeting of June 11, 2015 modified to delete the August 3 meeting due to close proximity of this meeting, and were approved unanimously. 

Executive Committee  –  The Supreme Court of the State of Montana ruled on Board’s appeal in the Beebe v. Board case June 30, 2015. The decision is posted on the association web site: The Board recognizes that our Covenants need to be revised in order to address the funding of improvements in our subdivision. Although the Board has been operating under the direction of the 2002 Membership vote which raised the minimum annual assessment to $75/year per lot and allocated a portion of those assessments to improvements, the Court ruled that the Covenants require a consenting vote of 2/3 of the membership in order to implement a special assessment and/or spend monies toward improvements. In light of the decision, the Board plans to propose changes to the language in the Covenants to the Membership at the Annual Membership meeting, May 2, 2016.

There was discussion about whether an “assessment holiday” should be implemented, as requested by Mr. Beebe based on the ruling. However, it was unanimously agreed that the assessments collected are the minimum annual assessments, as voted by the Membership in 2002 and approved for collection at the Annual Membership meeting in May 2015. Assessments are expected to bring in $18,975 in revenues this fiscal year, and the association budget that was approved at the May Annual Membership meeting is $18,250. Because the Membership has directed the Board to collect the assessments through approval of the budget, the Board feels it cannot implement an assessment holiday.

Currently, total cash held in reserve for the association is about $29,000. The Board agreed unanimously that the Association should maintain a prudent reserve for unexpected maintenance (sprinkler system or well breakdown) or fluctuations in weather patterns which impact mowing or snow removal. In addition, if membership approves, that money could be used for future improvement projects.

Karin made a motion to disband the Executive Committee since it is no longer needed for the legal issue; seconded by Dorick and approved unanimously.

Finance/Treasurer Report - Current Financial Statements were reviewed. There was discussion about the Equity categories in the Balance Sheet. Dorick made a motion to allocate funds previously designated as “Subdivision Improvement Reserve” to “Membership Equity”, which was seconded by Bill, and approved unanimously. These categories were Board designated reserves, so it is reasonable for the board to change their designation as circumstances and needs change. Annual minimum assessment notices will be mailed out soon with a letter of explanation and informing members of the ruling posted on the web site.

Design Review CommitteeSharyn reported that there was a general inquiry about an accessory dwelling unit in reviewing whether to purchase a lot in the association, which was referred to David Andreassi (Chair, Design Review Committee). This was not discussed further by the Board as it was a general inquiry, and not a request for approval.

Sharyn reported that the association received a fee for an addition to a home on Augusta (which was approved by the D/R Committee). The fee will be returned since our Covenants only require collection of fees for initial approval for a home or unit, not for an addition or remodel.

Park and Trail CommitteeKarin reported that the trails have been sprayed for weed control. Sharyn reported that the parks are currently scheduled to be sprayed for weeds, but may be delayed due to weather. She sent an email to alert the membership about spraying.

New Business – Nothing to report.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

The August 3 meeting was cancelled due to the timing with this Special Board meeting and no additional agenda items to discuss.

The next meeting will be held October 5 @ 6:30.

Any members wishing to attend the October meeting please contact the Board via email at and they will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for the Masonic Temple meeting space this year.

Board Meeting June 11, 2015

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Thursday, June 11, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 at the Phase 1 Park at the west end of Boylan Road. 
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Bill Ranard, and Karin Jennings were present; Dian Bottcher and Dorick Savageau were absent.

Set Tentative Schedule for Board Meetings through April 2016
Regularly scheduled meetings were set for 6:30 pm on the first Monday of the following months: August, October, January and March.  Special Meetings may be called in the interim if business arises. Sharyn will contact the Masonic Lodge to reserve their meeting room. 
Meeting dates are as follow: August 3, October 5, January 4 and March 7. [Note that the Annual Membership meeting will be Monday, May 2, the first Monday of May as required under our Bylaws, and at a new location, Lindley Center instead of Beall Park, as Beall Park is no longer renting on Mondays.]

Annual Assessments
Per the Budget that was approved at the Annual Meeting, Bill made a motion, seconded by Karin, to authorize mailing of the annual assessment invoices.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

The next Board Meeting will be held August 3, 2014 at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue) [pending availability] at 6:30 pm. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Annual Board of Directors Meeting

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, May 4, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 PM at the Beall Park Center, for the purpose of electing Officers to the Board.

Present: Sharyn Anhalt, Karin Jennings, and Bill Ranard.
Absent: Dorick Savageau and Dian Bottcher.

Officer Positions
Nominations for Officers were made as follows:
            President – Sharyn Anhalt
            Vice President – Bill Ranard
            Treasurer – Dian Bottcher
            Secretary – Karin Jennings

A motion was made to elect Officers as nominated, which passed unanimously. Dorick Savageau remains in his position as Representative to the Association for Golf Course Partners. 

Sharyn informed the Board that historic building plans were recently provided to her from Erik Steckmest (a previous board member). There was discussion about should be done with them, as the plans are available at the City. Bill made a motion for the Association to retain any plans submitted for one year following construction, which coincides with the timeline in our Covenants for raising objections. After that time period they may be destroyed. Seconded by Karin and passed unanimously. 

 The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 pm.

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Membership Meeting
Minutes of Meeting – May 4, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Beall Park Center.

The Board President, Sharyn Anhalt, welcomed members to the membership meeting, reminding members that this is a membership meeting, not a board meeting.

Confirm Attendance and Quorum
109 proxies are needed for a quorum, being 40% of 272 lots or votes. Based on those received by mail and brought to the meeting, over 130 proxies have been received, so the quorum has been met to hold the meeting. The final tally will be provided in the minutes from the meeting.

Note: Final count of members present in person or by proxy was 23 present in person and 111 present by proxy, for 134 present in person or by proxy.

Officially Nominate and Appoint Chairperson
The Board President called for nominations for a meeting Chairperson. Paul Gianas was nominated from the floor. The nomination was seconded. Paul was elected Chair by acclamation due to no opposition and by majority show of hands.

Officially Nominate and Appoint Recording Secretary for the Meeting
Paul called for nominations. Karin Jennings was nominated as Recording Secretary, seconded, and appointed Recording Secretary by acclamation due to no opposition and majority show of hands.

Paul provided an overview of the governing documents for our association. Governing documents are available on the Association’s web site ( or from the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s office.  Paul also provided an overview of Robert’s Rules of Order, the governing parliamentary procedure as approved by the membership with the 2008 Bylaws amendment. The protocol for the meeting was communicated; members must raise their hand, be recognized by the Chair, and state their name.  Members are allowed to speak for approximately 2 minutes on an agenda item. Everyone that wishes to speak will be given an opportunity to do so before members are called on for a second time. Questions should be addressed through the Chair. If the Chair cannot answer the question, the Chair will direct it to a member who can answer.

Design Review Committee Report
Sharyn provided an overview of the committee, comprised of two members, Dave Andreassi, Chair, and Dorick Savageau. There is not much new construction occurring in the subdivision currently. Members were reminded that any modification or addition to a home exterior or landscape needs to be communicated to and approved by the Design Review Committee. This is often (not always) a quick process. There were no questions.

Park and Trail Committee Report
Karin informed the members that currently there is no Chair for the Park and Trail Committee. The previous chair moved and the Board decided not to fill the Chair position while the lawsuit with a member remains pending. At this time the Board is handing any activities, such as making arrangements with Grass Chopper for mowing and weed spraying of the parks and trails in all phases.

Questions were taken from the floor.  A member commented that there are several ground squirrel holes in the Phase 1 trail behind the Ice House and they were concerned about tripping, etc. Karin said she lives nearby and will bring a shovel to fill them.

Treasurer’s Report for 2014-2015 Fiscal Year
Dian Bottcher, Treasurer, was not able to attend the meeting, so Sharyn provided the report. Sharyn mentioned that under Income, Member Assessments, fees collected are slightly over budget due to a few new homes being constructed and receipt of fees for design review, which are not budgeted. Under Expenses, Mowing & Weed Control is near the budgeted amount, but noted that we still have 3 months of billing remaining during this fiscal year. Due to the short winter we will likely go a little over budget in this category. Because mowing frequency is somewhat unpredictable due to being influenced by the weather, and we have frequently been over budget in this category, the Board recommended increasing it for the coming year. We are also doing a bit more weed control to keep ahead of them. Similarly, note that Snow Removal was under budget this year due to weather. There were no Repair and Maintenance expenses this year.

Overall the Association is under budget (through April 30, 2015), but as discussed we expect more expenses for mowing to come in, to bring us near what was budgeted.

Presentation of Budget for July 2015 through June 2016
As discussed in the Treasurer’s Report, the Mowing & Weed Control budget has been increased over prior years to bring it into alignment with actual expenses. Our lawn contractor, Grass Chopper, has raised fees slightly over the past couple years, and we have been experiencing longer growing seasons, requiring more maintenance and weed control.

Questions: Tom Russell inquired where and when mowing and weed control is occurring and how much is being spent for each and in what locations? Sharyn explained that equivalent maintenance is provided to each open space area in the entire subdivision. The Board does not break down expenses by Phase. All members of BCSCA are equally responsible for maintaining any common areas, no matter what phase they live in.

There being no further questions, members were reminded to turn in their ballots at the end of the meeting if they haven’t already done so. The final vote count for the budget will be tallied after the meeting and is presented at the end of these minutes.

Nomination and Election for Two Board of Director Positions, Serving Two Years to May 2017
The Chair summarized that the Board is made up of five positions.  One is a non-rotating member being a representative of Golf Course Partners (subdivision developer), whereas the other four positions serve two-year terms, with two of these positions being up for election every year. Currently Bill Ranard and Dian Bottcher have completed their two year terms from 2013-2015, but are seeking reelection for the 2015-2017 terms, as listed on the ballots.

Nominations for Directors were taken from the floor. Nominations were made, and seconded, for Bill Ranard and Dian Bottcher. No further nominations were made. Members were instructed to complete any uncast ballots for submission prior to leaving the meeting. 

New Business
Member Catherine Nelson asked what is happening with Tom Murphy, the owner of the 12 acre parcel adjacent to the Phase 1 trail and park at the west end of Boylan? Sharyn provided an update on the City Commission meeting where he sought eminent domain for utility access from Boylan. The City denied his request. The Board’s position is that any access or other easement would require a vote of the membership, and to date there is almost zero support and clear opposition that has been communicated to the Board from the membership; not enough to warrant the expense of a vote. He has gone to the County to try to change the zoning to Industrial. If an application to change the zoning is submitted we would be notified as an adjacent landowner and the Board will assist in communicating to the membership.

Catherine Nelson asked about the status of the lawsuit with Mr. Beebe, one of the members of the association? What is the core issue? Sharyn stated that the Board has appealed the decision to the State Supreme Court.  Documents are available on the association web site ( Currently both sides are waiting on the Court. The primary issue is Mr. Beebe interprets the Covenants differently than the way the Association has historically operated.

There was general discussion about the $75/year/lot assessment being very inexpensive. For example, Legends (adjacent subdivision) assesses $120/quarter/lot. George McDowell expressed thanks to all – members and board for creating such a nice subdivision. He is tickled with living at Bridger Creek.

The membership was reminded to please provide and/or update their email address if they wish to receive communications. Please do so by emailing

There were no actions taken on any new business discussed.

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Ballot and/or Proxy Tally – Final Vote Counts 
The final results of the votes from the Annual Membership Meeting are as follows:

Members present at meeting, in person or by proxy = 134 (at least 109 are needed for a quorum).

Approval of Budget for 2015-2016:  125 yes, 2 no, 7 abstain.  Budget is approved.

Election of Directors:
Bill Ranard      124 votes – Elected to Board for 2015-2017 term

Dian Bottcher  124 votes – Elected to Board for 2015-2017 term

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Board Meeting March 9 2015

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, March 9, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue).
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Bill Ranard, Dian Bottcher and Karin Jennings were present. Dorick Savaugeau was absent.
Members/residents present: Dan and Joyce McQueary, Eric Steckmest, Greg Garrigues, and Darby Minnick.

Approval of Agenda – The Agenda was modified to move the discussion on the 12 acre parcel after the committee reports, and approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board Meeting of January 5, 2014 were approved unanimously without modification. 

Design Review CommitteeSharyn reported that there was a request for changing the trim paint color of a house on Augusta to a neutral color, which was approved via email. Plans were submitted for an addition to the front of a house, also on Augusta, which were not approved as the addition was proposed to extend into the setback. Plans were sent back to owner for revision and are still pending.

Park and Trail CommitteeBids have been received for spring/summer maintenance from Grass Chopper (mowing, weed spray, fertilizer). Prices per application are the same as for 2014. A motion was made to accept the contracts, making the same notations/changes as made for 2014 regarding frequency of fertilizer/weed spray, seconded, and approved.

12 Acre Parcel – Sharyn reported on the City Commission meeting that was held March 2, where Mr. Tom Murphy, owner of the 12 Acre Parcel adjacent to the Phase 1 park off Boylan Road, requested the City grant eminent domain for access across Association parkland and trail for utilities and emergency access. The City denied his request. Following the meeting, there was discussion with Mr. Murphy’s attorney, requesting dialogue with the Board, facilitated by a mediator.
There were many emails received in response to the request from the Board for input on whether the Board should meet and enter into dialog with Mr. Murphy. Following a summary overview of the current situation and interactions to date, all emails were read to the Board and members present. Note that the Board’s position has been captured previously in minutes from the June 21, 2013 and September 9, 2013 Board meetings.
Following discussion a motion was made to draft an email to Mr. Murphy’s attorney regarding whether the Board will enter into further dialog with Mr. Murphy. The response that was approved by the Board and sent reads as follows:
“Having discussed this issue with the Board and members of our Association, we would be willing to schedule a meeting with Mr. Murphy to pursue alternate avenues of protecting the wetlands located on his property, including facilitating the purchase of the land for preservation as open space. If he is agreeable to that discussion, let us know and we’ll make plans to include representatives of the conservation community at the meeting.
Sharyn Anhalt
BCSCA President”

Finance/Treasurer Report - Current Financial Statements were provided, reviewed and approved unanimously.

Executive CommitteeThere has been no recent activity and there is nothing new to report.

Update on City Landfill Issues
            No new information has been received from the City regarding the Story Mill Landfill.

Preparation for Annual Membership Meeting – Per the Bylaws, the Annual Membership Meeting will be held the first Monday in May, and will be May 4, 2015, at the Beall Park Art Center. The budget for the 2015-2016 year was reviewed for mailing with the meeting notice and recommendation for member approval at the annual meeting. Dian Bottcher and Bill Ranard have both agreed to renew their 2 year terms on the Board. There have been no additional volunteers for the two Board positions in response to the January meeting minutes. The meeting notice was reviewed and approved, and will be mailed in April.

New Business – Nothing to report.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Board Minutes, January 5 2015

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, January 5, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue).
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Bill Ranard, Dian Bottcher, Dorick Savaugeau and Karin Jennings were present.

Approval of Agenda – The Agenda was approved unanimously without modification.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board Meeting of October 6, 2014 were approved unanimously without modification. 

Design Review CommitteeNothing to report.

Park and Trail CommitteeNothing to report.

Executive CommitteeThe Association Board filed its Appellant’s Opening Brief with the Montana Supreme Court on November 25, 2014. Mr. Beebe filed a Response to our Brief on December 22, 2014. The Board is in the process of preparing a Reply to Beebe’s Response Brief.

Finance/Treasurer Report
Current Financial Statements were provided, reviewed and approved unanimously.
There is $1714 in annual dues outstanding. Late notices, with interest accruing for those not yet paid after sixty days, have been mailed.

Update on City Landfill Issues
            No new information has been received from the City regarding the Story Mill Landfill.

New Business
Dorick reported that Golf Course Partners is preparing to submit plans for Board review for additional development in the Links Condo area off Birdie Drive.
Sharyn reported that the Gallatin Valley Land Trust approached Karin inquiring how best to communicate with the neighborhood about very early stage plans for developing a bike park on City land north of the landfill. They were asked to communicate with the Board to ensure communication with the neighborhood. It was also suggested to involve communication with Golf Course Partners early in their planning process. 
Sharyn requested an increase in her bookkeeping rate, which has been $30/hour for several years. Following discussion Dian made a motion to increase the rate the Association pays the Bookkeeper to $40/hour effective January 1, 2015; seconded by Dorick, and approved unanimously.
The regularly scheduled March Board meeting has been changed from March 2 to March 9.
As there is no meeting currently scheduled for April, materials need to be discussed at the March meeting for mailing ahead of the May 4 Annual Meeting. Bill Ranard and Dian Bottcher have agreed to renew their Board terms. Any members wishing to also be listed as candidates for the two open Board vacancies for the term 2015-2017 need to submit their name and a contact phone number and/or email address to by March 9.

Executive Session
The Board entered Executive Session to review and discuss Mr. Beebe’s Response Brief.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

The next Board Meeting is scheduled to be held Monday, March 9, 2015 at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue) at 6:30 pm. NOTE: this date is changed from March 2, as previously published.