Saturday, March 14, 2015

Board Meeting March 9 2015

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, March 9, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue).
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Bill Ranard, Dian Bottcher and Karin Jennings were present. Dorick Savaugeau was absent.
Members/residents present: Dan and Joyce McQueary, Eric Steckmest, Greg Garrigues, and Darby Minnick.

Approval of Agenda – The Agenda was modified to move the discussion on the 12 acre parcel after the committee reports, and approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board Meeting of January 5, 2014 were approved unanimously without modification. 

Design Review CommitteeSharyn reported that there was a request for changing the trim paint color of a house on Augusta to a neutral color, which was approved via email. Plans were submitted for an addition to the front of a house, also on Augusta, which were not approved as the addition was proposed to extend into the setback. Plans were sent back to owner for revision and are still pending.

Park and Trail CommitteeBids have been received for spring/summer maintenance from Grass Chopper (mowing, weed spray, fertilizer). Prices per application are the same as for 2014. A motion was made to accept the contracts, making the same notations/changes as made for 2014 regarding frequency of fertilizer/weed spray, seconded, and approved.

12 Acre Parcel – Sharyn reported on the City Commission meeting that was held March 2, where Mr. Tom Murphy, owner of the 12 Acre Parcel adjacent to the Phase 1 park off Boylan Road, requested the City grant eminent domain for access across Association parkland and trail for utilities and emergency access. The City denied his request. Following the meeting, there was discussion with Mr. Murphy’s attorney, requesting dialogue with the Board, facilitated by a mediator.
There were many emails received in response to the request from the Board for input on whether the Board should meet and enter into dialog with Mr. Murphy. Following a summary overview of the current situation and interactions to date, all emails were read to the Board and members present. Note that the Board’s position has been captured previously in minutes from the June 21, 2013 and September 9, 2013 Board meetings.
Following discussion a motion was made to draft an email to Mr. Murphy’s attorney regarding whether the Board will enter into further dialog with Mr. Murphy. The response that was approved by the Board and sent reads as follows:
“Having discussed this issue with the Board and members of our Association, we would be willing to schedule a meeting with Mr. Murphy to pursue alternate avenues of protecting the wetlands located on his property, including facilitating the purchase of the land for preservation as open space. If he is agreeable to that discussion, let us know and we’ll make plans to include representatives of the conservation community at the meeting.
Sharyn Anhalt
BCSCA President”

Finance/Treasurer Report - Current Financial Statements were provided, reviewed and approved unanimously.

Executive CommitteeThere has been no recent activity and there is nothing new to report.

Update on City Landfill Issues
            No new information has been received from the City regarding the Story Mill Landfill.

Preparation for Annual Membership Meeting – Per the Bylaws, the Annual Membership Meeting will be held the first Monday in May, and will be May 4, 2015, at the Beall Park Art Center. The budget for the 2015-2016 year was reviewed for mailing with the meeting notice and recommendation for member approval at the annual meeting. Dian Bottcher and Bill Ranard have both agreed to renew their 2 year terms on the Board. There have been no additional volunteers for the two Board positions in response to the January meeting minutes. The meeting notice was reviewed and approved, and will be mailed in April.

New Business – Nothing to report.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm.