Bridger Creek
Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’
Monday, January 5, 2015
The meeting was called to
order at 6:35 pm at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue).
members: Sharyn Anhalt, Bill Ranard, Dian
Bottcher, Dorick Savaugeau and Karin Jennings were present.
Approval of Agenda – The Agenda was approved
unanimously without modification.
Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board Meeting of October
6, 2014 were approved unanimously without modification.
Design Review Committee
– Nothing to report.
Park and Trail Committee
– Nothing to report.
Executive Committee – The Association Board filed its
Appellant’s Opening Brief with the Montana Supreme Court on November 25, 2014.
Mr. Beebe filed a Response to our Brief on December 22, 2014. The Board is in
the process of preparing a Reply to Beebe’s Response Brief.
Finance/Treasurer Report
Current Financial Statements were
provided, reviewed and approved unanimously.
There is $1714 in annual dues
outstanding. Late notices, with interest accruing for those not yet paid after
sixty days, have been mailed.
Update on City Landfill
No new information has been received from the City
regarding the Story Mill Landfill.
New Business
reported that Golf Course Partners is preparing to submit plans for Board
review for additional development in the Links Condo area off Birdie Drive.
reported that the Gallatin Valley Land Trust approached Karin inquiring how
best to communicate with the neighborhood about very early stage plans for
developing a bike park on City land north of the landfill. They were asked to
communicate with the Board to ensure communication with the neighborhood. It
was also suggested to involve communication with Golf Course Partners early in
their planning process.
requested an increase in her bookkeeping rate, which has been $30/hour for
several years. Following discussion Dian made a motion to increase the rate the Association pays the Bookkeeper to
$40/hour effective January 1, 2015; seconded by Dorick, and approved
regularly scheduled March Board meeting has been changed from March 2 to March
As there
is no meeting currently scheduled for April, materials need to be discussed at
the March meeting for mailing ahead of the May 4 Annual Meeting. Bill Ranard
and Dian Bottcher have agreed to renew their Board terms. Any members wishing
to also be listed as candidates for the two open Board vacancies for the term
2015-2017 need to submit their name and a contact phone number and/or email
address to by March 9.
Executive Session
The Board
entered Executive Session to review and discuss Mr. Beebe’s Response Brief.
The meeting was adjourned
at 7:20 pm.
next Board Meeting is scheduled to be held Monday, March 9, 2015 at the
Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue) at 6:30 pm. NOTE: this date is changed from March 2, as previously published.