Friday, March 24, 2017

Special Board Meeting, March 9 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Special Board of Directors’ Meeting
Thursday, March 9, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 am at Morrison Maierle’s offices in Bozeman.

Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Karin Jennings and Dorick Savageau were present; Dian Bottcher was absent. Also present were Debbie Dehmer, Jack Schunke, Dick Parker, and John Kiunsey of Golf Course Partners (GCP) and Jim Ullman of Morrison Maierle.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the outstanding issues regarding the Utility Easement request from GCP (as identified at the March 6, 2017 BCSCA Board Meeting. Additionally, the Board was seeking more information from Morrison Maierle regarding the French drain installed by Village Green Townhome Association in 2008 and how that drain system integrates with the stormwater system (drainage swale and retention pond) in the Phase 1 park.

Following discussion the Board and GCP agreed that the final version of the Utility Easement will include the following items (BCSCA Board agreed unanimously to these conditions, with Dorick abstaining from the vote due to conflict of interest):
1. The Exhibit attached to the easement will identify the location and approximate depth of the French drain.
2. The easement language will reference the French drain and specify that installation of utilities will not interfere with the function of that drain.
3. The easement will include provision for both water and sewer utilities.
4. GCP and BCSCA will execute an agreement, at the same time the easement is granted, specifying that GCP will not request any further easements under Article V Sec 5c of the BCSCA Covenants related to the Phase 1 private park.

The following information regarding the Village Green Townhome French drain system and BCSCA stormwater system in the Phase 1 park was identified, along with action to be taken:
1.     At the time of installation, the additional water flowing into the stormwater system was not calculated or considered, as it was not required by code at the time, per Jim Ullman.
2.     The stormwater system is in need of maintenance so that it functions properly. The additional water flow from the French drain has magnified the issue. The Board will get bids for performing this maintenance, along with developing a regular maintenance schedule for this and all stormwater systems throughout Bridger Creek Subdivision.
3.     First step to improve the function of the stormwater pond is to clean the outlet. This can be done manually with boots and a shovel. Karin has volunteered to do this work in the next few weeks ahead of spring run off.
4.     Contact Village Green Townhome Association to request that they move the French drain outlet to discharge below the retention pond. Removing the constant fresh water entering the stormwater system is essential to its function and long-term maintenance. Sharyn will contact Dan Semsch, President of Village Greens.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 am.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Board Meeting, March 6, 2017

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, March 6, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm at the Best Western Plus GranTree Inn. Board members present:  Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, Karin Jennings and Dorick Savageau, representing a quorum. Debbie Dehmer, President of Golf Course Partners (GCP) was also in attendance, along with members of BCSCA listed at the end of these minutes.

Approval of Agenda A motion was made to approve the agenda for this meeting, seconded and approved unanimously.

Approval of Minutes A motion was made to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting of January 9, 2017, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Board Vacancy Karin made a motion to nominate Tom Wilson to fill the vacant Board seat, seconded by Dian, and approved unanimously.

Easement Request Sharyn provided a summary and overview of the situation whereby the Association has been requested by Golf Course Partners (GCP) (per Article V Section 5c of our Covenants) to grant a utility easement to the City of Bozeman from Boylan Road through the Phase I park to the 12 acre parcel owned by Tom Murphy (Bridger Center LLC). This easement is a condition from the City of Bozeman to grant approval of GCP’s additional development of the Links Condo project. BCSCA’s attorney, Eric Nord, is working with GCP’s attorney to draft an easement that meets City requirements and addresses concerns over this easement ever being treated as access to that parcel. The easement will specifically note that it is for utilities only, not ingress or egress. In addition, the easement will note the location of the storm water drainage system and the drain pipe installed by Village Green Townhomes in 2008.

Following the summary and overview, members asked questions and were able to comment on the issue. After answering questions and responding to comment, the Board reviewed the minutes from the December meeting that outlined the conditions of the easement, and discussed the remaining items that need to be resolved before signing. Sharyn proposed to Debbie and Dorick, representing GCP, that an agreement be executed between the parties that in return for the easement being granted to the City, GCP would not request any further easements for this parcel under Article V Section 5c of the Covenants. They agreed, but indicated their board would need to vote on it.

Once the final easement is received from the City and a final draft of the agreement between GCP and BCSCA is prepared, the Board will schedule a special meeting to approve signing the documents.

Design Review Dave Andreassi, Committee Chair, reported via email that plans for a new home at 1024 Boylan have been approved. Sharyn reported that the review fee was received.

Parks and Trails Karin reported that she followed up on an action from the January meeting and contacted Andy Kerr, City Engineering, about both the request for another cross-walk (south crossing of Boylan and Story Mill Roads) and request for No Parking signs to be installed on the north side of the entrance of Augusta Drive. The No Parking sign request has been submitted and is under review. The additional cross-walk was denied and Andy explained that motorists are required to stop for pedestrians at intersections whether or not there is a cross-walk and/or sign present.

Karin reported on her meeting that day with Kyle Mehrens, City Stormwater Program Coordinator, at the Phase 1 park to review the drainage swale and stormwater pond. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the drainage swale in relation to the utility easement (see above) as well as the groundwater entering the drainage swale from the French drain installed by Village Greens Condos in 2008.

The primary results from the on-site meeting were:
            1) The drainage swale and stormwater pond are man-made features designed to perform a purpose relating to water quality and flood control. At present, there is additional groundwater entering the system from the Village Green Condos French drain. It is not a problem to mix this fresh ground water with stormwater runoff, but only if the stormwater system has sufficient capacity to handle that volume.
            2) The stormwater pond, as almost all stormwater ponds and other features throughout the City, needs to be maintained in order to perform the function that it was designed for. Maintenance means that it likely needs to be dredged to remove sediment from runoff and vegetative matter (trees, shrubs, cattails, etc.) that have built up in the almost 20 years since it was installed. Maintenance of the pond (dredging, etc.) may be a $20-30k expense for the initial activity (likely less costly in the future if maintenance is conducted semi-regularly). The best time to conduct such maintenance was January or February when the ground is still frozen.
            3) The additional water being conveyed to the stormwater system (swale and pond) from the French drain may not have been taken into account when the French drain was installed. The capacity of the pond may need to be reevaluated, and consider re-routing the end point of the French drain in order to bypass the stormwater system.

The Board will get more information on the original design for the French drain and stormwater system from Morrison Maierle. Budget may need to be allocated in future years for maintenance of all of the stormwater systems in the Association, including drainage swales in other areas of our subdivision. 

Finance/Treasurer Report Current Financial Statements were provided, reviewed and approved unanimously. Past due notices were mailed in February with notice of lien to be filed if not paid by March 31, 2017. Tom offered to telephone any owners with unpaid assessments if we have phone numbers for them.

The Board discussed the organization of Association records, maintenance of important documents, and whether we had a policy on how long to maintain certain records. It was decided to table the discussion until a later date. Tom agreed to draft a proposed Records Retention Policy for review by the Board.

Annual Membership Meeting The Annual Membership meeting is set (per our Bylaws) as the first Monday of May, which will be May 1, 2017. Information, including ballots, needs to be mailed to owners the 1st week of April. Since the Board will be calling a special meeting in the near future to review the easement documents, Sharyn made a motion to table this discussion until that meeting, seconded and approved unanimously.

New Business – Tom Wilson was nominated to fill the open officer position of Vice President, seconded and approved unanimously.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Attendees of the March 6, 2017 Board of Directors’ Meeting
Members: Susan Hunter, Dan Semsch, Kathleen Vanuka, June Russell, Gary Milam, Dan McQueary, Joyce McQueary, Jim Barker, Rolly Rounds, Paul Gianas, Tim Russell, Mitch Godfrey, Paul Boylan, Beth Kaeding, Lynn Kaeding, Dar Wilson, Kurt Benson, Gary Matthews, Cheryl Matthews, Dian Steckmest, Erik Steckmest
Non-members:  Greg Garrigues (representing member Judith Garrigues), Debbie Dehmer (Golf Course Partners, President)

Any members wishing to contact the Board please email at