Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 2, 2014 Board Meeting Minutes

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, June 2, 2014 

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Phase 1 Park at the west end of Boylan Road. 
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Bill Ranard, Dian Bottcher, Dorick Savageau and Karin Jennings were present.
Members present: Adam Racow (Chair, Park & Trail Committee Committee) and Judy Garrigues; non-member present was Greg Garrigues. 

Approval of Agenda – Dorick made a motion to approve the Agenda, seconded by Bill, which passed unanimously. 

Approval of Minutes – Dian made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting of April 14 and May 6, 2014, seconded by Bill, and approved unanimously without modification.   

Set Tentative Schedule for Board Meetings through April 2015
Regularly schedule meetings were set for 6:30 pm on the first Monday of the following months: August, October, January and March.  Special Meetings may be called in the interim if business arises. Sharyn will contact the Masonic Lodge to reserve their meeting room. 
Meeting dates are as follow: August 4, October 6, January 5 and March 2. [Note that the Annual Membership meeting will be Monday, May 4, the first Monday of May as required under our Bylaws.] 

Design Review Committee
The owners of a lot in P3 requested waiver of the $50 design review fee as they are instead building the same house on another lot they own in P1. Following discussion Bill made a motion to not waive the fee, but instead apply the fee already paid for the P3 lot to their P1 lot, provided a statement is received from either the owners or their architect that there are no changes to the plans except for the site plan. In the future, a fee will need to be paid for the P3 lot when the owner is ready to build. The motion was seconded by Dorick, and passed unanimously. Sharyn will communicate the decision and request the statement.

The fence in P3 that was approved in June 2013 (see June 21, 2013 minutes) is being installed in locations and of materials other than as approved. Sharyn will communicate with the owners to inquire; to be followed by letter from the Board if appropriate.

The Board received a letter from a P3 resident requesting follow-up on landscaping for a P3 home which has never been installed (completion of the house and landscaping was on hold due to a legal action between that owner and their contractor). Now that the legal action has been resolved the Board agreed to follow up with the owners. Dian will contact the owners to inquire of their plans for completing the exterior of their home and landscaping. Karin will confirm with the City whether a certificate of occupancy was issued.

Park and Trail Committee
Adam reported that there was a committee meeting in mid-May to simply discuss what was known about the status of the 12 acre parcel near the Association’s Phase 1 Park off Boylan Road (owned by Tom Murphy). To date there are no approvals in place from City or County for any work on the parcel. The Association will be informed of any pending approvals through public notice, since our property is adjacent. It was also a brainstorming session to discuss potential ways to keep the parcel undeveloped. One avenue explored was to recoup value through use of the parcel for mitigation credit for either wetland or streambank mitigation. However, upon further exploration by committee members and discussions with Montana Aquatic Resources Services, there is currently a “glut on the market” of mitigation credits, and neither the City of Bozeman nor the Montana Department of Transportation are in need or in the market for seeking such credits.

The Garrigues reported that there has been camping activity and open fires on the 12 acre parcel, presumably by the owner. Sharyn will inquire with the County regarding requirements for burn permits and parking vehicles. 

Executive Committee
Sharyn reported that the decision is still pending with the District Court but that issuance of the Final Judgment is the next step in the legal proceedings with member Bill Beebe. After receiving the Final Judgment the Board may proceed to Appeal.

The role of the Executive Committee was reconfirmed and no changes were made.                           

Finance/Treasurer Report
There was no current report from the Treasurer, other than that the Budget was approved at the Annual Meeting. Dues notices for annual assessments will be mailed in early July.  

Communications with New Owners of 12 Acre Parcel adjacent to Phase 1 Park
An Offer to Purchase Easement (Buy-Sell) Agreement was hand-delivered to Sharyn at the Annual Membership Meeting in May.  The offer was discussed. The Board, seeing no advantage to the neighborhood or Association to grant or sell an access easement to the parcel from Boylan Road, took no action with regard to the offer.

New Business
Dorick informed the Board that one of the original developers of Bridger Creek Subdivision and Golf Course Partners is undergoing cancer treatment. Bill agreed to send a card on behalf of the Board.
            A complaint was received about thistles on some lots. The owners are mowing the thistles, and therefore are in compliance with the weed laws by preventing the spread of seeds. Sharyn will contact the owners to inquire whether they would be willing to spray the thistles in addition to mowing.  

The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm. 

The next Board Meeting will be held August 4, 2014 at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue) [pending availability] at 6:30 pm.