Monday, January 14, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes Jan 7 2013

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, January 7, 2013 

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue). 

Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Erik Steckmest, and Karin Jennings were present at the start of the meeting; Dorick Savageau and Tim Russell joined after approval of the minutes.
Members present: Adam Racow (Chair, Park & Trail Committee Committee) and David Andreassi (Chair, Design Review Committee).

Approval of Agenda – Agenda approved with the addition of discussion on the Articles of Incorporation.
Approval of Minutes – Minutes from the Board Meeting of Nov 13, 2012 and Special Membership Meeting of Nov 26, 2012 had been previously approved by email, and approval was confirmed for each without modification.

Incorporation of the Association
            Sharyn provided copies of the draft Articles of Incorporation as well as the standard form provided by the State of Montana.  According to our legal counsel, only the form is required to be filed as it contains all the required information, but we may choose to file our own document in addition to the standard form. Discussion ensued.  Karin made a motion to file both the standard form and the Articles of Incorporation document as prepared by Sharyn with no revisions; seconded by Erik; passed unanimously. 

Design Review Committee
Dave stated there was nothing to report as there have been no activities since the last meeting.  Erik inquired about a well that was recently installed in an otherwise vacant lot (Lot 24, Phase 3).  Dave will contact the owner to inquire and will remind them of the need to submit plans and information for any improvements on a lot. 

Park and Trail Committee
Adam stated there was nothing to report as there have been no activities since the last meeting.

Executive Committee Report
Sharyn reported that the Association’s attorney, Eric Nord, has filed the Respondent’s Answer to Second Amended Petition for Declaratory Relief, Affirmative Defenses, and Counterclaim,  in response to the Petition filed by member Bill Beebe, and that we are awaiting response. In addition, he has filed a Discovery Request with Mr. Beebe’s attorney, Alannah Griffith. There is no required action on our part until Mr. Beebe responds to these documents.  To date, it remains understood by the Board and Executive Committee that any legal fees relating to the action in progress will be paid by the claim under the Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance. 

Finance/Treasurer Report
Sharyn, as bookkeeper, had provided copies of the Balance Sheet (as of December 31, 2012) and Budget to Actual for the current fiscal year as of January 7, 2013 via email. Erik, as Treasurer, provided a report on the current bank balance as of December 31, 2012. The financial statements were discussed. Tim requested additional information regarding cash flows, and Sharyn explained that all cash transactions to date were represented on the financial statements provided.

New Business
Karin informed the Board of a members’ suggestion that it look into a “contingent” workers comp insurance policy from Montana State Fund.  The annual premium is approximately $400/year.  Such a policy would cover the association from an injured contractor when they do not have an active workers comp policy in place.  Discussion ensued.  No action was taken.

There being no additional new business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.

The next regularly scheduled Board meeting is Monday, March 4, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue).