Thursday, February 28, 2019

Board Meeting February 13, 2019

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, and Dorick Sauvageau.  Fred Deigert was absent.

Approval of Minutes – There was a motion to approve the minutes from the November 5, 2018 meeting, which was seconded and approved unanimously.

Design Review Committee – The Board reviewed Chad Bottcher’s report on Phase 1 Lot 32.  The height of the structure was discussed and noted that it is at the allowable maximum of 24 feet.  Two items were discussed that are different than the design guidelines: 
  1. Secondary roof lines are proposed at a 3:12 pitch instead of the minimum 4:12 pitch stated in the Design Covenants. This roof pitch is appropriate to the design and has been allowed with previous homes in the subdivision.
  2. The covenants are vague regarding fencing, so the Board has previously adopted guidelines for their approval. Fencing should not incorporate the perimeter of a lot, should be at least 1 foot inside any lot lines, and should not be visible from the street. This design has proposed a small fenced area at the east side.
Sharyn made a motion to approve the design with the 3:12 secondary roof pitch, provided the fence is moved 1 foot inside the lot line and is screened from the street with landscaping.  The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.

Storm water repair report – Tom reported there has been no activity since the last meeting.  Sharyn reported that the bill from Morrison-Maierle for prints has been paid.

Old Business/New Business
The Board discussed the vehicles and equipment that have been parked for some time in the cul-de-sac at Lot 44 on Caddie Court.  It is difficult for residents and snow removal vehicles to move around these vehicles.  The City of Bozeman has been contacted.  Sharyn will send an email to notify the homeowner.

Sharyn will check with Karen Jennings to see if a space was reserved for the Annual meeting in May.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held March 4, 2019 @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.