Saturday, April 11, 2009

March 9, 2009 Board Meeting

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association

Board of Directors

Minutes of Meeting – March 9, 2009


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Bozeman Public Library. Jerry Nelson, Sharyn Anhalt, Ernie Vyse, and Dorick Sauvageau were present, representing a quorum. Les Fischer, Design Committee chair was also present.


The minutes of the November 18th, 2008 meeting were read and approved unanimously. There was no board meeting scheduled Dec 2008. The January 13, 2009 meeting was adjourned due to lack of a quorum. There was no meeting scheduled for Feb 2009.


A motion was presented to reimburse Jim Chandler $300 in storage costs for the mower and snowblower. Motion was approved unanimously. Ernie will request the bookkeeper to prepare a check.


Les reminded the board that the Links Condo project is required to submit revised plans for landscaping the lift station. The Design Committee and Board had advised them that approval for additional condos would be contingent on acceptable plans for the lift station.


The board approved the Beall Park Center for the location of the annual meeting in May. Sharyn will reserve the space, and prepare the notice to be mailed to members. Erik Steckmest from phase 3 has agreed to be placed on the ballot for Board of Directors; there are no other candidates at this time. Les Fischer and Will Harmon have agreed to continue on the Design Committee.


Jerry reported that a member from phase 3 wanted to meet with the board regarding construction of a residence. The board agreed unanimously to advise the homeowner to schedule a meeting with the Design Committee. Any issues that cannot be resolved by the committee can then be presented to the board.


The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 14, 2009, 7PM. The library meeting room is not available. The meeting will be held at Sharyn's office, 707 Bridger Dr Ste B. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM.


Submitted by: Sharyn Anhalt, Secretary