Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting – July 8, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at 1017 Boylan Dr by President Jerry Nelson. Also in attendance were the following Board members: Sharyn Anhalt, Ernie Vyse, and Dorick Sauvageau, representing a quorum. Design committee chair Les Fischer and members Ruth Vyse and Arlyss Nelson also attended.
The minutes of the May 21, 2008 meeting and June 2 and June 24, 2008 special meetings were read and approved unanimously.
Jerry reported that he had called Mr. Nemelka to inform him that we could not sign the Hold Harmless agreement as written. The Board felt that a settlement that prevented us from disclosing the terms to our membership would not be in our best interest. Sharyn reported that the State Bar had not rescheduled the arbitration hearing, pending a possible mediation with the lead arbitrator, Gerry Higgins. The Board discussed the pros and cons of continuing with the arbitration vs. exploring mediation, and a motion to continue with arbitration was approved. Sharyn will contact Mr. Higgins and request that the arbitration proceed.
The landscaping issue with the Sobrepena house that was brought to our attention by a member has been resolved satisfactorily.
Ernie presented the Treasurer's report – we currently have just over $16,000 in cash available. Expenses for the January – June financial period were within budget.
Parks Committee report – Stuart Jennings, Parks Committee Chair, was unavailable to attend but did send a statement by email. Mowing is ongoing in the parks, and a combination of mowing and spraying is used to control weeds. Stuart mentioned that the source of many of the weeds may be the unmowed vacant lots that have not been properly cared for – Ernie volunteered to survey the lots and contact homeowners, or the city for enforcement. Stuart also reported that the proposed walking path along McIlhattan is in the works, and the Gallatin Valley Land Trust may be interested in assisting with the project.
Design Committee report – Les Fischer presented these updates:
The Thorsen and Patton homes in phase 3 are both occupied, but pending completion of landscaping.
The Steckmest home in phase 3 has an issue with an exposed meter that is being addressed.
The Woloszyn home in phase 3 was just approved. An average of roof elevations was used to meet the covenant height restriction.
Andreassi condo project on Birdie – Les requested that the Board clarify several issues:
- How to apply setbacks within the condo development
- The definition of a "unit" to apply the 8 units per acre requirement and application of the building fees.
- The plans included a fence, which would be denied by the Design Committee.
The issues were tabled until the next meeting so that these issues could be addressed. Sharyn offered to contact City Planning.
New Business – Les suggested that the BCSCA obtain a storage unit to house the numerous building plans currently residing in his garage. These plans have been passed among Committee chairs in the past, but have become too bulky to continue to store. Sharyn suggested that a storage unit could also be used for other BCSCA property, such as the mower/snowblower used in phase 2. We will continue to look into this.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM. The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday August 12, 2008, 7PM at the Bozeman Public Library.
Submitted by: Sharyn Anhalt, Secretary