Friday, November 30, 2018

Board Meeting November 5, 2018

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
Monday, November 5, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm at Tom Wilson’s house.  Board members present: Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher and Dorick Savageau.  Fred Deigert was absent.  Chad Bottcher, member was also present.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Board Meeting held September 10, 2018, were approved.

Design Review – Phase 1 Lot 43 –Sharyn reported that all open items on Phase 1 Lot 43 review have been addressed except the landscaping plan.  Building plans were approved pending the landscaping plan.

Report on vacant property maintenance – Tom reported that all vacant lots were mowed and maintained as required by the covenants. 

Storm water repair report – Tom reported that he is working with Morrison-Maierle and the golf course maintenance department on a plan to clean out the drainage ditches around Augusta Dr. and St. Andrews this winter. 

Design Review (cont’d)
Chad Bottcher appointment – The Board has appointed Chad Bottcher to the Design Review Committee. 
Phase 3 Lot 20 – Chad Bottcher reviewed the plans submitted for Phase 3 Lot 20.  He had some concerns about the proposed exterior design, site plan and driveway grade.  He will follow up with the owner about his concerns.

Website maintenance – Sharyn reported that the Board members’ information has been updated on the website, and recently approved minutes have been posted.

Fall parkland cleanup – Sharyn read a thank you from an owner who borders the berms in Phase 2 which were pruned and cleaned up this fall.  Sharyn also reported that Karen and Stewart Jennings cleaned up the Phase 1 park.  The Board will reimburse Karen for dump fees.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held January 7th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the confirmed meeting location.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Board Meeting Sept 10, 2018

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, September 10, 2018 

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at Dian Bottcher’s house 3111 Augusta Dr.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, Fred Deigert and Dorick Savageau.

Approval of Minutes – Minutes from the June 6, 2018 Board of Directors meeting were approved.

Design Review Committee – Sharyn reported on the paint color requested for 611 St. Andrews.

Bayr Residence review – Sharyn suggested going through the checklist in the Covenants:
-        Use higher quality soffit material
-        Need to verify height of roof with architect
-        Need more complete landscaping plan and fencing material
-        Confirm lot grading would not affect neighboring lots.
-        Move fence off Par Court line behind house.
-        Need exterior lighting.
It was moved and seconded to approve plans pending resolution of these items.

Murphy request for easement – It was moved and seconded to reject Murphy’s easement request.  Motion carried.  Let the record show that Dorick voted no.

Vacant property mowing notices – Woolridge Construction Phase 1 has not been mowed.  Tom suggested that the future schedule for mowing notices should be:  Notify lot owners at annual meeting,
May – send out letter by regular mail with “Important Notice” on front of envelope.  Sharyn moved that lot owners should be fined $200 if the lots are not mowed by June 30th and August 15th.  Dorick seconded.  Motion carried.

GCP Property – Tom discussed the plan for the property on Birdie Dr. now owned by a British Columbia Canada developer.  Tom will keep the Board informed as plans develop.

Storm Water Repair – There was no report on the storm water repair.

Fall clean up - Sharyn moved to accept the $720 bid of Advantage to do Fall clean up and pruning of the 3 berms in Phase 2.  Dorick seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Next Board meeting - November 5, 2018 at Tom Wilson’s home 523 St. Andrews.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at Tom Wilson’s house.  Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn Anhalt, Dian Bottcher and Fred Diegert.  Dorick Savageau was absent.

Approval of Minutes – Minutes from the Annual Membership Meeting and Annual Board of Directors meeting were approved pending addition of final proxy tally and votes for Board of Directors.

Design Review Committee new procedures and fees - Since the Design Committee is currently lacking a chair, the Board agreed that design submissions will be managed by the Board. There was a discussion about contracting with a builder or other professional to consult on the review, and the board will need to revisit this after investigating options. In the meantime, the board expects to incur additional expenses related to new construction review. Sharyn moved to change the review fees and fines to cover the cost of a professional review as follows:

·        $150 Review Fee for new construction and additions to building footprints
·        $300 Fine for failure to have new construction and additions approved.
·        Exterior changes to existing homes require a review, but there is no fee  (siding, decks, paint, major landscaping etc.)
·        $50 Fine for failure to have exterior changes approved.

The motion passed.

Acceptance of 2018 homeowner dues – There was discussion about increasing dues to $85/year at the next annual meeting and including this increase in next year’s proposed budget.  It was moved and seconded to keep dues at $75/year for 2018/2019.  Motion passed.

Vacant property mowing notices – A reminder about mowing vacant lots will be included in the Annual Dues notices to be mailed this month.  Kim will include an additional note in mailings to vacant lot owners.  Dian will get an estimate for trimming bushes in the park.

Board meeting schedule for reminder of the year – The Board will meet on the 1st Mondays of the month at 6:00 pm.  The schedule for the 2018/2019 year is as follows:

·        September 10th
·        November 5th
·        January 7th
·        March 4th
·        May 6th – Annual Membership Meeting

Storm water repair report – Tom met with Kyle Mehrens, Stormwater Program Coordinator for the City of Bozeman.  The major work will be the 3 acres to clean out on Augusta.  Morrison-Maierle Engineers are working on a proposal. 

Other new business
·        Accounts Receivable – Sharyn reported the current policy is dues are due 60 days from invoice date.  Balances are assessed interest at 12% per annum starting from that date.  Sharyn moved, and it was seconded, to assess a $25 late fee when dues are not paid after 60 days from the invoice date plus 12% per annum interest from that date.  Motion passed.
·        Address Changes – Currently there is no policy regarding address changes, and it takes considerable time to research and locate new addresses. The covenants require the member to notify the association of their mailing address. Therefore, Sharyn moved, and it was seconded, that if mail is returned to BCSCA and requires research to find the new mailing address, a $25 fee will be assessed to that member.  Motion passed.
·        Ownership Transfers – Currently there is no transfer fee for changes to ownership, but this does require considerable administrative time to communicate with title company to collect dues and obtain the new owner information.  Sharyn moved, and it was seconded, to assess a Transfer Fee of $50 to be collected by the title company (buyer and seller work out who pays it).  Payment of the fee is to be accompanied by a completed contact form (mailing address, email, etc.) for the new owner.  Upon receipt of the fee, BCSCA will email covenants and bylaws to the new owner, along with any other pertinent information.  Motion passed.
·        Bank Account Signatures A motion was made and seconded to update the US Bank checking account signatures to Tom Wilson, President and Dian Bottcher, Treasurer. Motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kim Center, Administrative Assistant

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, May 7, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 8 PM at the GranTree Inn, for the purpose of electing Officers to the Board.

Present: Dian Bottcher, Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson and Fred Diegert
Absent: Dorick Savageau.

Officer Positions
Nominations for Officers were made as follows:
            President – Tom Wilson
            Vice President – Sharyn Anhalt
            Treasurer – Dian Bottcher
            Secretary – Fred Diegert

motion was made to elect Officers as nominated, which passed unanimously. Dorick Savageau remains in his position as Representative to the Association for Golf Course Partners.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Membership Meeting
Minutes of Meeting – May 7, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm at the Gran Tree Inn.   

Board President, Sharyn Anhalt, welcomed members to the membership meeting, reminding members that this is a membership meeting, not a board meeting.

Officially Nominate and Appoint Chairperson (Moderator)
Sharyn asked for Nominations for Chair.  Dian Bottcher nominated Tom Wilson.
Officially Nominate and Appoint Recording Secretary for the meeting
Sharyn introduced Kim Center as recording secretary and new bookkeeper for the Association.
Confirm attendance and quorum
            Sharyn reported that we have a quorum.  (See final quorum tally at the end of minutes.)

Parks and Trails report 

Karin introduced Maddy Pope who gave a presentation on The Trust for Public Land's efforts on the Story Mill Community Park.  Maddy was the previous owner of Rocky Mountain Toy Company.  She reported that the construction on Rouse and Bridger Drive is not related to the Story Mill project.  The Trust for Public Lands helps communities build parks.  Planning for the Story Mill project began in 2012 after Bozeman passed the Parks and Trails bond.  The Trust for Public Lands has partnered with the City of Bozeman to conduct workshops and surveys for designing this park.  The final Master Site Plan was approval Fall 2016.  The Boys and Girls Club put their facility up for sale and a donor provided funds to purchase the facility for the Story Mill project.  Story Mill then donated the facility to the City of Bozeman.  The Parks & Recreation Department will be moving their offices from Beall Park into this facility.  Story Mill will be a 60 acre park (compared to Lindley Park which is 16 acres).  The Story Mill plan includes several pavilions, a large open space, a ½ acre learning garden sponsored by Gallatin Valley Food Bank, an edible food forest educational area designed in conjunction with MSU, a ¼ mile long adventure playground, an amphitheater, and a climbing boulder.  The southern portion of the park will have one building which will serve as an educational classroom pavilion and walking trails.  The project received a 2017 Wetland Stewardship Award due to the restoration and creation of more wetlands.  Park construction begins this year, with the official opening in Summer 2019.  This is a $16M project with $4.5M coming from the City Parks and Trails bond.  The remaining funds were raised from private donors.  There is only $500K left to meet the funding goal. 

Tom presented the Park & Trails Report with a brief update on storm water maintenance.  There has been no maintenance on the storm water drainage system since the inception of the Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association.  BCSCA has hired Morrison Maierle Engineers to review drainage areas, especially the pond at the end of Boylan Drive.  Over the years the drainage ditches have become overgrown and filled with debris.  It is estimated that it will cost $20-30K to clean out the pond.  It is estimated that this will be a 3-year project.  Please remind your neighbors that the trails are non-motorized (i.e. not for motorcycles).

Design Review Committee Report

Sharyn presented the Design Review Report.  David Andreassi has served on this committee.  Unfortunately, he has sold his last lot, so he can no longer serve on the committee.  The committee is seeking someone to replace David.  Anyone with building expertise is welcome to join committee.  The future work of the committee will primarily be review of remodels and additions since the subdivision is almost built out.

The $50 design review fee is currently charged at initial construction.  Sharyn indicated that the Board may be reviewing the payment policy so the design review fee accompanies the design proposal to help pay for the professional review. 

Update on management of the Association

Tom updated the members regarding the decision not to hire a property management company.  Sharyn added that the Board explored the option of hiring a management company, but it was too expensive.  Management companies charge for being available to the HOA at all hours.  Since there are only 3-4 bills to pay each month and the HOA responsibilities and maintenance are minimal, the Board decided it just need a bookkeeper, someone to take minutes at the meetings, and process the 2 mailings each year.  Sharyn defined her duties as Bookkeeper and Kim's duties as Administrative Assistant to the Board.  She encouraged the members to email the Board with any issues, or call the City/police with critical issues (i.e. involving atv’s, car parking, etc.).  Hiring an Administrative Assistant will cost less than a property management company, which will keep dues at $75.  The HOA can continue to run primarily as a volunteer organization.

Treasurer’s report for 2017-2018 fiscal year and Presentation of budget for July 2018 through June 2019, and member vote for approval

Sharyn introduced the Treasurer, Dian Bottcher.  Dian oversees the financial reports from Sharyn who is the Bookkeeper.  Sharyn reported that the proposed budget was included in the meeting notice.  The HOA Covenants state that the minimum annual dues is $25 per year.  Sharyn proposed keeping dues at $75 for 2018-2019.  There is currently $35,000 in checking and all bills are paid.  Dues will be collected in July.  Some construction on the storm water plan may be done this year.  The Board hopes to complete the storm water project by 2019.  The HOA may need to increase the dues to complete the storm water drainage restoration project. 

Nomination and Election for two Board of Director positions, serving two years to May 2020

Tom called for Nominations to fill Board Positions and reminded members to turn in their Proxies before leaving the meeting.  Karin will be leaving the Board.  It was moved and seconded to nominate Sharyn Anhalt to the Board.  It was moved and seconded to nominate Fred Deigert to the Board.  Fred has lived at 3106 Augusta for 11 years.  He is a retired physician and lawyer.  There were no nominations from the floor.  It was moved and seconded that nominations be closed. 

New business

There was discussion about the easement to the undeveloped property southwest of BCSCA.  BCSCA granted an easement request over the park with the condition that no other easement requests could be made.  Links Condos developer and Golf Course partners negotiated an easement for the Links Condo development.  Adjacent owners should have received notice and can protest R1 Zoning (low density).  The developer has applied for annexing into City.  The trail will remain the same.  (See Nov. 20, 2017 minutes for more details.)

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kim Center, Administrative Assistant and Recording Secretary for the Membership Meeting


Final vote tallies from written ballots, counted after the close of the meeting:

Present in person or by proxy = 129 (109 needed for a quorum)

Vote for Directors serving May 2018 – May 2020:
106      Sharyn Anhalt
100      Fred Deigert

Vote to approve budget: 102

Friday, March 16, 2018

Board Meeting Minutes Mar 12 2018

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, March 12, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm at Karin Jennings’ house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher and Karin Jennings were present; Dorick Savageau was absent.

Approval of Minutes – A motion was made to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2018 Board Meeting, which was seconded and the minutes were approved unanimously.

Follow-up on Transfer of the Trail – Tom reported that the Quitclaim Deed as reported in the December 6 minutes it is still pending with Golf Course Partners and he will continue to follow-up on it.

Design Review – The site plan for the Links Condo development has not yet been changed due to the Murphy Easement. The Board is expecting to review it in lieu of the committee if and when it is modified.

There was a request for a patio enlargement at Unit #7 of the Bridger Creek Condos on Boylan, which is still pending as Dave (D/R Chair) has requested additional information.

Sharyn provided an update that the new construction in Phase 1 (Boylan) on lot #13was approved and the $50 D/R fee was paid. Phase 3 (720 St. Andrews) has requested construction of a roof over an existing deck, which was approved by the D/R.

Annual Membership Meeting – The Annual Meeting Notice, Proposed Budget, Proxy Form and current Financial Statements were reviewed and discussed. Sharyn will circulate drafts once updated for review prior to mailing to the membership in early April. Our Bylaws require the annual membership meeting to be held the first Monday of May. The meeting will be held Monday, May 7 at 7pm at the GranTree Inn (1325 N. 7th Avenue, Bozeman). 

The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

The Annual Membership Meeting will be held Monday, May 7 at 7pm at the GranTree Inn (1325 N. 7th Avenue, Bozeman).  The schedule for the Board meetings for 2018-2019 will be set by the new Board at their meeting to be held in May/June 2018.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location for the next meeting. The Board has been electing to hold meetings at Board members’ homes to not incur rental expenses, and will continue to do so unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Board Meeting Minutes Jan 8 2018

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, January 8, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm at Sharyn Anhalt’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher and Karin Jennings were present; Dorick Savageau was absent. Also present was Pat Kossler, member, and Kim Center.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Special Board Meeting held December 6, 2017 were previously approved unanimously by email.

Follow-up on Transfer of the Trail – Sharyn reported that the Quitclaim Deed as reported in the December 6 minutes is still pending. Tom will follow-up with Golf Course Partners.

Design Review – There has been an application for new construction in Phase 1 (Boylan) on lot #13, which Dave Andreassi (head of the committee) has approved. Payment of the $50 D/R fee is still pending.  Phase 3 (720 St. Andrews) has requested construction of a roof over an existing deck, which is pending submission and review of plans by the D/R committee.

Financials – The Board reviewed the financials for the period July 1 through December 31, 2017 versus the annual Budget as well as the December 31, 2017 Balance Sheet.

Bookkeeping Services – In lieu of hiring a Management Company, as was discussed at the May 2017 Annual Membership Meeting, the Board discussed hiring Kim Center for conducting administrative duties on behalf of the Board on an as needed basis, such as attending Board meetings to taking, circulating for Board approval and posting to the web site minutes from Board meetings and other communications to members as directed by the Board. Kim has been working with Sharyn providing services to the association for several years (under Sharyn’s supervision as Bookkeeper) and is familiar with our association and its activities. She is willing to provide such services to the association, as directed by the Board. The services Kim will be contracted to do are separate from and in addition to the Bookkeeper services and duties which Sharyn provides, as Bookkeeper (separate from her volunteer service on the Board). We are very happy to have Kim’s assistance with the Association!

Board Seats 2018-2020 – Sharyn is interested in serving another term, but will step down as President; will need to fill Karin’s seat. The agenda, ballots and notifications for the Annual Membership meeting will be prepared at the next Board meeting in March. It was suggested that the Trust for Public Land provide an update on the Story Mill Community Park at the May membership meeting. Karin will contact TPL. Tom agreed to moderate the May meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held March 5th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.