Friday, January 12, 2018

Board Meeting Minutes Jan 8 2018

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, January 8, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 pm at Sharyn Anhalt’s house.
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tom Wilson, Dian Bottcher and Karin Jennings were present; Dorick Savageau was absent. Also present was Pat Kossler, member, and Kim Center.

Approval of Minutes – The minutes from the Special Board Meeting held December 6, 2017 were previously approved unanimously by email.

Follow-up on Transfer of the Trail – Sharyn reported that the Quitclaim Deed as reported in the December 6 minutes is still pending. Tom will follow-up with Golf Course Partners.

Design Review – There has been an application for new construction in Phase 1 (Boylan) on lot #13, which Dave Andreassi (head of the committee) has approved. Payment of the $50 D/R fee is still pending.  Phase 3 (720 St. Andrews) has requested construction of a roof over an existing deck, which is pending submission and review of plans by the D/R committee.

Financials – The Board reviewed the financials for the period July 1 through December 31, 2017 versus the annual Budget as well as the December 31, 2017 Balance Sheet.

Bookkeeping Services – In lieu of hiring a Management Company, as was discussed at the May 2017 Annual Membership Meeting, the Board discussed hiring Kim Center for conducting administrative duties on behalf of the Board on an as needed basis, such as attending Board meetings to taking, circulating for Board approval and posting to the web site minutes from Board meetings and other communications to members as directed by the Board. Kim has been working with Sharyn providing services to the association for several years (under Sharyn’s supervision as Bookkeeper) and is familiar with our association and its activities. She is willing to provide such services to the association, as directed by the Board. The services Kim will be contracted to do are separate from and in addition to the Bookkeeper services and duties which Sharyn provides, as Bookkeeper (separate from her volunteer service on the Board). We are very happy to have Kim’s assistance with the Association!

Board Seats 2018-2020 – Sharyn is interested in serving another term, but will step down as President; will need to fill Karin’s seat. The agenda, ballots and notifications for the Annual Membership meeting will be prepared at the next Board meeting in March. It was suggested that the Trust for Public Land provide an update on the Story Mill Community Park at the May membership meeting. Karin will contact TPL. Tom agreed to moderate the May meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 pm.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held March 5th @ 6:00 pm.

For any members wishing to attend the meeting, please contact the Board via email at and you will be notified of the meeting location. The Board elected not to pay for rent for meeting space this year and will instead hold meetings at Board members’ homes, unless a larger space is needed for a given meeting.