Thursday, May 9, 2013

Annual Membership Meeting Minutes May 6 2013

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Annual Membership Meeting
Minutes of Meeting – May 6, 2013 

Confirm Attendance
Proxies submitted prior to the meeting totaled 143, constituting a quorum, so the meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by Board President, Sharyn Anhalt.  (109 proxies are needed for a quorum, being 40% of 272 lots or votes.)  Note: Final count of members present in person or by proxy is 167. 

Officially Nominate and Appoint Chairperson
The Board President called for nominations for a meeting Chairperson, and indicated that she did not wish to serve as Chair of the membership meeting. Nominations from the floor were for Paul Gianas and Joan Michlin. Both nominations were seconded. A vote was called by show of hands. Paul was elected Chair by a clear majority show of hands. 

Paul provided an overview of the governing documents for our association and reminded the members present that the Bylaws were amended in 2008. Governing documents are available on the Association’s web site ( or from the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder’s office.  Paul also provided an overview of Robert’s Rules of Order, the governing parliamentary procedure as approved by the membership with the 2008 Bylaws amendment. The protocol for the meeting was communicated; members must raise their hand and be recognized by the Chair before speaking, members are allowed to speak for 2 minutes on an agenda item, everyone that wishes to speak will be given an opportunity to do so before members are called on for a second time, and questions should be addressed through the Chair. If the Chair cannot answer the question, the Chair will direct it to the member who can answer. 

Officially Nominate and Appoint Recording Secretary for the Meeting
Karin Jennings was nominated as Recording Secretary, and seconded, and appointed by acclamation due to no opposition. 

Status Update Regarding Petition Filed in Gallatin County District Court by Member Bill Beebe
Sharyn Anhalt, Board President, provided a summary of the information that has been posted on the Association website. Member Bill Beebe filed an action in October 2012 against the Board of Directors of Bridger Creek Subdivision in Gallatin County District Court, charging the Association with misinterpretation of the Covenants. She listed the documents that have been filed and suggested that members read and review the information. Petitions and Responses have been filed by both parties.  The most recent document was received Friday, May 3, 2013, and has not yet been posted to the website. The Association has an opportunity to respond to this latest document, at which time the case will go to the court for Summary Judgment.  If the court decides it cannot rule on Summary Judgment, the issue will need to go to trial. The Board opened a claim with BCSCA’s Director and Officer (D&O) insurance, and the insurance company has provided the Board with legal representation. On advice of legal counsel, the Board appointed an Executive Committee to work with the attorney, comprised of Sharyn Anhalt, Dorick Sauvageau and Karin Jennings. Any questions regarding this case should be directed to a member of the Executive Committee by email or telephone. 

Tim Russell, current Board Vice President, addressed the members with his interpretation of the legal issue. After he finished, Sharyn noted that Tim was providing that information as a member of the association, and that it was not the position of the Board of Directors.  There was also a question from a member about why historical annual meeting notices are not posted to the web site? Sharyn responded that only meeting minutes are regularly posted. A member asked if there was any legal order blocking the association from spending money; Sharyn responded no.  

Design Review Committee Report
Dave Andreassi, Chair of the Design Review Committee (DRC) was not present and had asked Karin Jennings to provide his report in his absence.  Karin read Dave’s report, a summary of projects approved by the DRC since the last annual meeting in May, 2012, to present.
  • Golf course net on lot 25, Phase I, was approved by the Board at the August 6, 2012 BOD meeting.
  • Trellises/landscaping in the side and back yard at lot 7, Phase II was approved by the DRC at the March 4, 2013 BOD meeting.
  • Single family home in Phase 3, lot 24 was approved by the DRC April 1, 2013. 
Park and Trail Committee Report
Adam Racow introduced himself and indicated that he is the Chair of the Park and Trails Committee, which he has filled since the May 2012 meeting. Adam provided the following report on the committee’s activities during 2013:
  • Sponsored field trips and member input meeting to explore ideas for subdivision improvements, June 2012. Top priorities identified were pursuing the McIlhattan Trail and improvements to the Triangle Park.
  • The Committee presented to the Board bids and a proposal to construct a portion of the McIlhattan Trail, from South St Andrews to the north edge of the subdivision, connecting to the Phase 3 trail. The Board approved the project subject to approval and permitting from the City. A letter was received last Friday from the City, informing the Association that approval has been granted.
  • Progress on improvements to the Triangle Park was put on hold to focus on the McIlhattan Trail segment, and will be resumed this year.  An access easement from Par Ct is vital to determining the scope of improvements, and is pending further discussions with any willing donor.
Maintenance activities
  • Regrading and water bar repair on Phase 3 trail.
  • Replaced two park boulevard trees on Boylan Road.
  • Trimmed shrub and planting beds in Phase 2 park.
  • Repaired the ditch on Phase 1 trail created by the drainage work done during Links Condo development.
  • Organized a group of volunteers to work on brush cleanup along McIlhattan from Augusta Drive to Story Mill Road, to create a wider shoulder for bike riders and pedestrians.
  • Met with City Parks Department to confirm arrangement for ongoing maintenance of Phase 3 park and trail. The City was unwilling to commit to any specific maintenance schedule, so the Association has and will perform all weed and mowing maintenance.
  • Repairs to the Phase 2 park sprinklers have been scheduled.
Discussion ensued, summarized as follows: 
1) Q: Why did the City not hold a public hearing? A: The City determined not to hold a public meeting for the project.
2) Q: who provided approval for the trail, and is it in writing? A: City of Bozeman Engineering Department provided written approval.
3) Q: there is a public notice sign near the corner of McIlhattan and Story Mill Road, what is that about? A: a shed was constructed within the required setback (note: this is outside our subdivision).
4) A comment was made that the McIlhattan Trail is not within our subdivision. A: The McIlhattan Trail is completely within the legal boundaries of Bridger Creek Subdivision Phase 2, per the plat map.
5) Q: From ski and golf supporter about the status of Golf Course Partners and potential threat to loss of skiing? A: The project was scaled back to address this concern, and only the northern segment is to be constructed, away from the golf course parking area. Dorick and the City communicated with Great Northern Golf about the proposed trail segment and Great Northern Golf expressed that they were neutral about that segment.
6) Q: Is there a map available tonight? Could it be posted on the web site? A: A map showing the locations of the parks and trails will be posted on the website.
7) Comment thanking the committee for their work on the Phase 3 trail and weed control.
8) Comments were made that 2/3 vote is required and the vote on the trail at the 2012 annual meeting did not meet that level and therefore did not pass. A: The 2/3 vote described in our Covenants applies to Special Assessments. Since no assessment was needed, the 2/3 vote does not apply.
9) What is the estimated cost for the current trail project? A: approximately $6,000 based on the bid approved by the Board at the April 1, 2013 Board meeting. The trail was initially designed pro bono by Morrison Maierle (local engineering firm) when the Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT) was working on obtaining a matching grant for the full-length project. Morrison Maierle allowed us to use those plans free of charge.
10) Q: Where will the trail go? There is a ditch present and steep slope in places? A: the ditch will remain but may be moved slightly to accommodate the trail within the road right-of-way.  The specifications and drawings were completed by an engineering firm, taking those issues into account.
11) Q: Who owns the trails? Who maintains them? A: ownership differs by subdivision phase depending on the City’s requirements at the time each phase was developed and approved by the City. The trail and park in Phase 3 were required to be deeded to the City, whereas the other trail and park areas were required to be privately owned by the Association.  With regard to maintenance, the City is officially responsible for maintenance of the park/trail in Phase 3, but as noted in the Park and Trail report, the City is not able to maintain it to the level desired by the association, therefore the association is maintaining that and the other areas.
12) Q: A homeowner adjacent to the Phase 3 trail asked who to approach if he has any questions or issues with the maintenance? A: bring it to the Board and the Board will discuss and bring it to the City if appropriate. 

Adam indicated to the membership to please feel free to contact him with additional questions or interest in getting involved with the Park & Trail committee.  

Treasurer’s Report for 2012-2013 Fiscal Year, Presentation of Budget for July 2013 through June 2014, and Member Vote for Approval
Erik Steckmest, Treasurer, requested Sharyn Anhalt, Association Bookkeeper, to provide the report.  Sharyn reminded the membership that she served as the bookkeeper prior to being elected to the Board in May 2012.  In order for a clear separation between her duties as Board President and Association Bookkeeper, the Board established protocols wherein she does not have signatory authority over any bank account and does not control funds. The Treasurer reviews all incoming mail, and invoices are provided for review to another Board member before signing the checks.  

Sharyn provided an overview of the current balance sheet as of April 30, 2013 and the Income and Expenses for the current fiscal year to date.  The Board had provided a proposed Budget for the upcoming fiscal year July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014, in the annual meeting notice, scheduled for a member vote at this meeting.   

Questions and discussion from the membership concerned the amount of cash reserves available. There was comment from some that it was not necessary and should be returned to the members, while other members argued that it would be prudent to hold reserves for future maintenance, repairs, and planned subdivision improvements. There were additional comments that the $75 assessments is very low compared to other subdivisions in town, and the members involved at the beginning of the Association described how they had to loan money to BCSCA because of a lack of any reserve. Sharyn agreed to present this at a future Board meeting and establish clearer information on the necessary reserves.                                                                                                               

There was also the suggestion that the annual assessment could be reduced. Sharyn explained that the Bylaws provide for a minimum annual assessment, and a vote was taken at the 2002 Annual Membership Meeting to establish the minimum assessment at $75 in order to provide for estimated operating costs and future improvements. In order to change the amount of the minimum annual assessment, a vote would need to be presented to the membership at an annual meeting. Any member wishing to sponsor a vote to change the assessment would need to provide information to the Board prior to the annual meeting so that it can be included in the meeting notice, per the Bylaws. 

A motion was made and seconded, to cut off debate and vote yes or no on the budget as presented. Members were instructed to vote via ballots at the meeting or on their proxy ballot, and turn them in at the end of the meeting. The final vote count for the budget, from votes cast in person or by proxy, was 140 approved, 27 no or abstained.  

Nomination and Election for Two Board of Director Positions, Serving Two Years to May 2015
The Chair indicated that Tim Russell and Erik Steckmest are completing their terms on the Board and neither is running for another term.  The members thanked them for their service by round of applause.  Nominations for new Directors were taken from the floor.  The four candidates listed on the ballot, Bill Ranard, Dian Bottcher, June Russell and Joan Michlin, were nominated and seconded.  They were given the opportunity to stand and introduce themselves, and provide a short statement if desired. There were no additional nominations.  There was a motion made to close nominations. It was seconded, and the membership was provided time to complete any uncast ballots for submission prior to leaving the meeting. 

New Business
A comment was made by Joan Michlin that she had a problem with how votes were handled at the last annual meeting and that she wants more separation between the Board and the bookkeeper and that she would like to see a separate, outside bookkeeper.  Karin replied that the members were invited to remain after the meeting to observe the vote count, and that Joan had assisted Karin and Sharyn with the final tally at the 2012 meeting. Joan replied that although present, she was unable to see anything. Sharyn added that a previous Board specifically made the change from an outside bookkeeper to provide for more oversight by the Board and to improve communication and invoice review.  

There were no actions taken on any new business. 

The membership was invited to remain after the meeting to observe and assist with the final vote tally. Paul Gianas and Bill Ranard remained, and assisted Secretary Karin Jennings and President Sharyn Anhalt with the final tally of the proxies and ballots. 

A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, seconded, and the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm. 

Ballot and/or Proxy Tally – Final Vote Counts
The final results of the votes that were taken during the Annual Membership Meeting are as follows:
Members present at meeting, in person or by proxy = 167 (at least 109 are needed for a quorum).
Approval of Budget for 2013-2014:  140 yes, 27 no/abstain.  Approved. 

Election of Directors:
Bill Ranard      115 votes – Elected to Board
Dian Bottcher  100 votes – Elected to Board
June Russell     44 votes
Joan Michlin      23 votes