Friday, April 19, 2013

Board Meeting Minutes April 1 2013

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, April 1, 2013 

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 at the Masonic Temple (14 S. Tracy Avenue). 
Board members:  Sharyn Anhalt, Tim Russell, Erik Steckmest, Dorick Savageau and Karin Jennings were present.
Members present: Adam Racow (Chair, Park & Trail Committee Committee) and David Andreassi (Chair, Design Review Committee), June Russell.
Approval of Agenda – Agenda was approved unanimously without modification.

Approval of Minutes – Minutes from the Board Meeting of March 4, 2013 had been previously approved by email.  Karin presented a revised version to that distributed by email, and time was provided to read the revised version. Motion to approve the revised version passed unanimously. 

Design Review Committee
Dave reported that the committee reviewed and approved plans submitted by Carrie and Tobias McClaughry for a house for lot 24, phase 3; review fee of $50 has been collected. 

Park and Trail Committee
Dorick reported that he discussed the proposed McIlhattan trail segment with Mark Holiday (Great Northern Golf), but was unable to meet and discuss with Golf Course Partners (for which he is the representative to the Board).

Adam reported that he discussed the project with Andy Kerr (City Engineering) and provided the design specifications prepared by Morrison Maierle (local engineering firm) as well as the bid documents. Mr. Kerr confirmed that the documentation was complete and no additional design work is needed. The City will likely confirm the project through the city commission, which would include public notice and comment. A motion was made to approve the McIlhattan trail project as proposed (from south St. Andrew’s Drive to the existing trail in the Phase 3 park), subject to the permitting process by the City and subject to the bid recommended by the committee at the March 4, 2013 Board Meeting.

It was noted that Board approval is necessary to start the permit process with the City. After discussion, the motion was seconded, and passed by majority, with Dorick abstaining and Tim opposing. Adam will initiate the permit process with the City. The committee will seek to contact and inform the adjacent four lot owners (including lot 1 which is across the street from the south terminus of the trail segment).

Adam reported that there is a Public Notice posted on the property near the corner of McIlhattan and Story Mill just north of the bridge across Bridger Creek, requesting a variance for a structure located within the setback from the right-of-way.  The meeting is set for April 16, 2013 at 3 pm at the Gallatin County Courthouse. The setback requires 35 feet and the owner is requesting a variance in the setback to 10 feet.

Finance/Treasurer Report
Erik provided copies of the Balance Sheet (as of April 1, 2013) and Budget to Actual for the current fiscal year as of April 1, 2013 and presented an overview.  There were no questions.

Annual Meeting – Monday, May 6, 2013
The draft Notice for the Annual Meeting was reviewed, which will present the budget for the next fiscal year for approval of the membership. The budget from last year was reviewed against the Budget to Actual for this year, and a budget was proposed as a group with input from Adam for park and trail related items. There was a motion to present the proposed budget, as developed, to the membership in the Meeting Notice, seconded and passed by majority with Tim opposed (because of the $5000 improvements line item).

The draft Proxy was presented and reviewed. Two additional names were added to the draft Proxy, as requested by those individuals. A motion was made to approve the Proxy as revised to include four names, seconded and approved unanimously. Sharyn (as bookkeeper) will prepare the materials for mailing to the membership.  

New Business
Dorick requested that Sharyn look into whether the owner of 1005 Boylan has gone through proper permitting with the City to advertise as a vacation rental.

There being no additional new business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm. 

The Annual Membership Meeting will be held Monday, May 6, 2013, at 7 PM, at the Beall Park Center (415 N. Bozeman Avenue).

The next Board Meeting will be held immediately following the Annual Membership meeting to elect new Board officers.