Saturday, September 6, 2008

Special Meeting of the Board of Directors and Design Committee

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association

Board of Directors & Design Committee

Minutes of Special Meeting – August 28, 2008


The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM on the site of the Links Condo Project on Birdie Drive. The purpose of this meeting was for the Design Committee to review the site plan and additional information submitted by the applicant, and for the Board of Directors to determine if the application has met the conditions of the covenants. Present at the meeting were Board Members Lindy Halverson, Sharyn Anhalt and Ernie Vyse, representing a quorum. Design committee chair Les Fischer and committee member Adam Racow were also present, along with BCSCA members Shirley Hinz, Susan Hunter, Dave Andreassi, and Rex Easton as a representative of Golf Course Partners.


Les Fischer and Adam Racow reviewed the revised site plan and determined that the setbacks were now within the requirements of the covenants. In addition, all architectural aspects of the project meet the covenants, except for the concrete block structure associated with the lift station. Since construction has begun on the site, a walk-through of the existing site plan was conducted. Residents of Village Green Townhomes described the water drainage problem that occurred after the storm in July, and options were discussed on how to alleviate the problems.


The applicants, Dave Andreassi and Rex Easton, felt that all requirements of the covenants had been met, and since they had already received a building permit from the City of Bozeman requested permission to continue construction the next morning. After discussion, the Board of Directors agreed unanimously that permission could not be granted, due to the lack of any plans or specifications for finishing the lift station structure. The Board also expressed a desire to have an independent engineer review the site plan and storm water design to ensure that it would not affect neighboring homeowners in the future. The Board requested that the Secretary detail the additional information needed from the applicant in a letter, and the issues will be reviewed again at the next Board Meeting on Tuesday September 9.


The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM. The next regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 9, 2008, 7PM at the Bozeman Public Library.


UPDATE – After the meeting, the Board of Directors and Golf Course Partners agreed to jointly hire an independent engineer to review the site plan and storm water drainage. The engineer should complete his review and provide us with a report by September 9th.


Submitted by: Sharyn Anhalt, Secretary