Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Board of Director’s Meeting May 21, 2012

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors' Meeting
Monday, May 21, 2012

The meeting was called to order at 6:05 in the Phase 2 Park.

Present: Erik Steckmest, Karin Jennings and Sharyn Anhalt.
Absent: Dorick Savageau and Tim Russell
Also attending: Adam Racow (Chair, Park & Trail Committee) and Terry Deal

Board Positions
Discussion took place for assignment of roles and responsibilities for the new Board of Directors. It was noted that as bookkeeper, it would be best for Sharyn to not serve in the positions of Treasurer or Secretary to allow for oversight of her duties as the bookkeeper. Nominations were made, and seconded, for the following positions (with Dorick maintaining his position as Representative for Golf Course Partners):
    President – Sharyn Anhalt
    Vice President – Tim Russell
    Treasurer – Erik Steckmest
    Secretary – Karin Jennings

Board Meeting Schedule

The need to set a regular schedule for Board meetings was discussed. It was agreed to meet during the following months during this fiscal year: June, August, October, November, January, March and April. The first choice for meeting dates among the Board members present was the 1st Monday of the month (for which a meeting is scheduled). The second choice is the 2nd Monday of the month. Decision on day of the month is pending input from Dorick and Tim. Meetings will be held at 6:30 pm.

Board Meeting Locations
Board meetings have typically been held at the Bozeman Public Library. However, these meeting rooms have been difficult or impossible to reserve recently. Karin and Sharyn looked into possible alternatives to the Library. Karin reported on a meeting room available at LaQuinta Inn (7th and I-90) for $50/meeting, with bare necessities provided. Sharyn reported that the board room in the Masonic Lodge (downtown, above Miller's Jewelry, corner of Main and Tracy Ave.) would be available for $25/meeting. Other alternatives were discussed, including rotating meetings at individual houses within the neighborhood however, there was consensus the location needs to be consistent so general members would readily know where to go if they wished to attend. The goals for a meeting location included being convenient and near our neighborhood and free or inexpensive. It was agreed that the Masonic Lodge would be preferred due to location and lower cost. Erik made a motion to add $175 to the budget to cover the rent for the meeting space at the Masonic Lodge; Karin seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.

Web Site Postings and Membership Email List
Sharyn suggested the need for a policy for requests for information to be posted to the BCSCA web site (blog) as well as distribution using the membership email list. Recent requests have included the coal train public meeting, local cell tower proposal, and response from Karin and Sharyn regarding trails issues within our neighborhood. Adam suggested posting to the web site is preferable to filling people's emails with potentially undesired information. Sharyn mentioned being careful about the potential appearance of Board endorsement, particularly for public service information requests. Karin inquired whether we can update the web site to have separate sections for postings relating to community-interest/public service versus information specifically being communicated from the Board? Sharyn indicated that would be possible and will work to add a separate section within the web site.

Additionally, Sharyn mentioned that the standard procedure has been to email the membership with an announcement of any upcoming Board meetings, as well as notification of minutes being posted to the web site. Discussion ensued regarding whether to add to such emails to the members a simple mention of public service announcements that may have been added, directing them to the web site for more information. All agreed that this would be appropriate.

The process of approving Board meeting minutes was discussed. Minutes will be circulated to the Board and committee chairs for approval and/or modifications within one week of the meeting. Following approval minutes will be posted to the web site.

Karin mentioned that older meeting information does not seem to be available on the web site, and that she has copies of minutes from the years that she served on the Board and/or Park and Trail Committee. Karin will work with Sharyn to add these older materials to the web site. If there are any other members who have archival materials that should be added, please contact Sharyn.

Check Signing Authority

Erik addressed the fact that the Board needs to update and change check signing authority following the changes to the Board at the Annual Meeting. Currently, Carolyn Hopper and Erik Steckmest have check-signing authority. The bank needs a copy of the minutes indicating which members went off the Board and which members were added. A motion was made to have the Board signatories be Erik Steckmest, as Treasurer, and Karin Jennings, as Secretary. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Erik will bring a copy of the minutes from the Annual Meeting as well as from this May 21 Board Meeting (once approved) into the bank to initiate the signatory changes. Karin can sign the authorization card separately, once Erik indicates the process has been initiated.

Park and Trails Update

Sharyn provided a brief update on the meeting that she and Karin had last week with the City (Dave Skelton, Planner, and Greg Sullivan, City Attorney). This meeting was an interim follow-up to a list of questions that was submitted to the City in January regarding various park and trail issues that were raised during a January Park and Trail Committee meeting. Inquiries included: Phase 3 park maintenance responsibility (since it is deeded to the City); perfection of ownership transfers from GCP to the BCSCA in Phases 1 and 2; and the trail easement on the final plat along the north boundary of Phase 2. The City is still working on their written response.

Terry inquired about the City's position on the McIlhattan Road trail. Sharyn and Karin both indicated that the City is supportive and stated that as long as details are worked out with City Engineering, that there is no reason it cannot be built within the McIlhattan Road right of way. Sharyn has talked with Jack Schunke about the possibility of the BCSCA Board attending a Golf Course Partners' Board Meeting to discuss and address various issues, including the threat of closing the golf course to skiing during the winter. Sharyn and Karin will work with Dorick to find a time when this joint meeting might be possible. Sharyn mentioned that the Board and Park and Trail Committee needs to work together toward formulating a long-term plan for trail development before proceeding with the McIlhattan Trail.

Adam will try to schedule a Park and Trail Committee meeting in the next week or two.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.