Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors
Minutes of Meeting – March 4, 2008
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Bozeman Public Library by Vice-President Ernie Vyse. Also in attendance were the following Board members: Sharyn Anhalt, Lynn Perkins, and Dorick Sauvageau, representing a quorum. Kim Janzen did not attend. Member Les Fischer was also present.
The minutes of the December 11, 2007 Board Meeting were read and approved. The scheduled Board Meetings for January and February lacked a quorum, so no minutes are available.
Les Fischer presented the Design Review Committee report. The Committee received one request for a porch roof addition to 1050 Boylan Rd, Unit 16 from Carmen Wietlispach. The addition was denied, due to conflicting setback requirements. The Committee wrote the homeowner a letter suggesting that the issue be presented to the Board of Directors for clarification.
Stuart Jennings was not available for a Parks & Trails Committee report, but emailed Sharyn information before the meeting. Parks & Trails will need to present a proposed budget at the Annual Membership Meeting on May 5th, and Sharyn will contact Stuart to coordinate the information.
With respect to Parks & Trails and annual assessments, there have been questions from members regarding the history of our current $75 per lot assessment and whether an amount was to be reserved for Parks & Trails. The assessment was increased to $75 at the 2002 Annual Membership Meeting. The Board reviewed all information available from that meeting and agreed that the approval of a $75 assessment was an increase to the minimum annual assessment, as provided in article V of the Bylaws. Therefore, the Board is authorized to enforce $75 per year. Regarding a reserve for Parks & Trails, the Board felt that this was not included in the 2002 membership vote. Any Parks & Trails improvements will need to be approved on a year to year basis by the Members at the annual meeting. The Parks & Trails Committee should consider including a proposed reserve amount in each annual budget that can be used for future expenditures.
Sharyn presented a financial budget for the Association for the period January 1 to June 30, 2008. A motion was made to approve the budget, seconded, and approved unanimously. A proposed budget for July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 will be presented at the Annual Membership Meeting on May 5th for member approval.
The results of the Member Survey were presented by Sharyn, and are attached to these minutes as part of the record. 76 of the 250+ surveys were returned. The Board discussed each item on the survey, and the pros/cons of bringing any of the topics to a vote of the members. None of the topics had clear support. No motions were made to prepare any of the items for a vote at the Annual Membership Meeting. Members may still bring these items to a vote at the meeting, provided that 60% of the members in attendance approve of discussing and voting on the items.
The location for the Annual Membership Meeting was discussed. Les Fischer will check if the Northwestern Energy Meeting Room is available. This location would be convenient and is available for no cost. If that room is not available, we will book a hotel meeting room as in the past. Sharyn will confirm the location with Les. The notice of Annual Meeting, along with all meeting materials will be sent by early April.
Sharyn has been working on updating Membership Records for addresses, votes, and quorum requirements. Now that Golf Course Partners has had the 3 commercial lots in phase 1 rezoned to Multi-family residential, the number of total votes will change. Dorick reported that 18 dwelling units were approved for this property, so Golf Course Partners will now have 18 votes instead of the 21 votes previously counted.
The Board received an email from Erik Henyon regarding snow removal issues, in particular the city ordinance that prohibits placing snow from sidewalks and driveways in the city street. Erik requested that the Board contact the City Street Dept to coordinate a snow removal plan. The Board declined to discuss this item, since snow removal is each property owner's responsibility.
The next regular meeting of the Board will be Tuesday April 8, 2008, at 7:00 PM, location will be announced prior to the meeting. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM.
Submitted by: Sharyn Anhalt, Secretary/Treasurer