Saturday, June 16, 2007

Board Meeting June 11, 2007

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association

Board of Directors

Minutes of Meeting – June 11, 2007


The meeting was called to order at 7 PM at the Bozeman Public Library. In attendance were the following Board members: Lynn Perkins, Kim Janzen, Ernie Vyse, Sharyn Anhalt, Dorick Sauvageau, representing a quorum. Also present were Jan Perkins, Carl Olson, Les Fischer, Paul Gianas, Dennis Cartwright, Bill Ranard, George Durkin, and Will Callahan, all members of the association.


Kim Janzen presented a summary of the Annual Membership Meeting on May 7, 2007. The outgoing Board never called the meeting to order so no minutes were taken. Board members Bill Beebe, Dave Andreassi, and Mitch Godfrey resigned and left the meeting. The remaining board member at the meeting, Dorick Sauvageau, asked for nominations from members in attendance. The new Board members, Kim Janzen, Ernie Vyse, and Sharyn Anhalt, were the only candidates presented to the members at the Annual Meeting and were elected by affirmation of the members in attendance.


A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously that Kim Janzen serve as President of the Board of Directors. A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously that Ernie Vyse serve as Vice-President of the Board of Directors. A motion was made, seconded and approved unanimously that Sharyn Anhalt serve as Secretary of the Board of Directors. A discussion was held regarding combining the positions of Secretary and Treasurer for efficiency. A motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously to combine the positions, and Sharyn Anhalt will serve as Secretary/Treasurer.


Discussed policy regarding recordkeeping. Prior years' records of the association will be compiled and permanent files developed. This may take some research, as the records are located in several places. The permanent files will be maintained for future Boards. Discussed policy regarding email correspondence. It was agreed that discussions with members should not occur via email; instead, the member should be invited to present their question or problem at the next Board Meeting.


Lynn Perkins, past President of the Board, then presented a file to Kim Janzen with information regarding a potential lawsuit in the subdivision. A point of order was made by Dorick to delay any discussion on the contents of the file until it had been reviewed by all Board Members and determined whether it contained any sensitive material.


Bank account signatures will need to be transferred; currently Lynn Perkins and Bill Beebe (past Secretary/Treasurer) have signature on bank accounts. We have a checking account at US Bank (which requires two signatures on each check) and a CD at American Bank. Sharyn will prepare a letter to initiate transfer of signatures; a motion was made, seconded and approved to remove Bill Beebe and Lynn Perkins as signatures on the accounts and to add Kim Janzen, Sharyn Anhalt, and Ernie Vyse as signatures on the accounts.


Discussion regarding cash flow and the current financials was started. Our current balance in the checking account will be depleted with the outstanding accounts payable. We will need to access the CD, which renews in August 2007. A budget for the remainder of the year will need to be discussed, being sensitive to our limited funds. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to call a Special Meeting of the Board on Monday June 18th at 7:30PM at the Bozeman Public Library meeting room to discuss finances. Sharyn will prepare necessary information for this financial meeting.


Current bill from attorney, Rhett Nemelka, was presented. A motion was made, seconded and approved to contact attorney and cease all research and current work. Sharyn will contact his office and request that our account be closed and our working file be returned to us.


A motion was made, seconded, and approved to appoint Les Fischer, Will Callahan, Dorick, Adam Racow, and Dave Casto as members of the Design Committee. Les Fischer presented a report on the activities of this committee since the Annual Meeting. Les will serve as chairperson of the committee. Four residences have been submitted for approval – Tom Cook (phase 3 lot), Scott Patton (phase 3 lot), Thorson (phase 3 lot 31), and Sobrepena (phase 1 lot 41) have all been reviewed by the committee. Conditional approval has been granted to these projects. The committee is working to improve the checklist system for project approval, and will present new materials at a future Board Meeting. A discussion was held regarding any fences that may be presented for approval as part of building plans. The Board agreed that it would be appropriate to deny any fence plans until fence restrictions and guidelines are developed.


Covenants Committee – there has been only one volunteer for this committee. Ernie will contact the volunteer to see if the interest is still there, and this subject will be presented at a future meeting.


Covenants Clarification Committee – this new committee was suggested at the Annual Membership Meeting. The purpose would be to review our current Covenants and Bylaws documents, and propose changes to clarify the meaning and intent. Sharyn will present a list of members interested in serving on this committee at the next Board Meeting.


Social/Communication Committee – another idea suggested at the Annual Membership Meeting. We will present this idea to the members in the next newsletter and gauge interest in participation.


Parks & Trails Committee. A motion was made, seconded and approved to appoint Stuart Jennings as chair of this committee, along with Paul Gianas as a member.


A discussion was held regarding policy for member attendance at Board Meetings. A motion was made, seconded and approved to hold all meetings open to member attendance, except when a member has requested an Executive Session with the Board. The Board may also choose to discuss any sensitive topic in Executive Session, but that session will be held at the end of a regular Board Meeting.


A motion was made, seconded and approved to set the second Tuesday of each month at 7PM as the regular meeting time of the Board of Directors. All meetings will be held at the Bozeman Public Library when space is available, and if not, at the Northwestern Energy meeting room. Last choice will be to meet at private residences. July 10th at 7PM will be the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting.


The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:10 PM.


Submitted by: Sharyn Anhalt, Secretary/Treasurer