Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Monday, September 10, 2018
The meeting
was called to order at 6:00 pm at Dian Bottcher’s house 3111 Augusta Dr. Board members present: Tom Wilson, Sharyn
Anhalt, Dian Bottcher, Fred Deigert and Dorick
of Minutes – Minutes from the June 6, 2018 Board of Directors meeting were
Review Committee – Sharyn reported on the paint color requested for 611
St. Andrews.
Residence review – Sharyn suggested going through the checklist in the
Use higher quality soffit material
Need to verify height of roof with architect
Need more complete landscaping plan and fencing
Confirm lot grading would not affect neighboring
Move fence off Par Court line behind house.
Need exterior lighting.
It was moved
and seconded to approve plans pending resolution of these items.
request for easement – It was moved and seconded to reject Murphy’s
easement request. Motion carried. Let the record show that Dorick voted no.
property mowing notices – Woolridge Construction Phase 1 has not been
mowed. Tom suggested that the future
schedule for mowing notices should be:
Notify lot owners at annual meeting,
May – send
out letter by regular mail with “Important Notice” on front of envelope. Sharyn moved that lot owners should be fined
$200 if the lots are not mowed by June 30th and August 15th. Dorick seconded. Motion carried.
Property – Tom discussed the plan for the property on Birdie Dr. now
owned by a British Columbia Canada developer.
Tom will keep the Board informed as plans develop.
Water Repair – There was no report on the storm water repair.
clean up - Sharyn moved to accept the $720 bid of Advantage to do Fall
clean up and pruning of the 3 berms in Phase 2.
Dorick seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Next Board
meeting - November 5, 2018 at Tom Wilson’s home 523 St. Andrews.
Meeting was
adjourned at 7:45 pm.