Friday, May 11, 2012

2012 Membership Meeting Minutes

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association

Annual Membership Meeting

Minutes of Meeting – May 7, 2012


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM at the Beall Park Center. 167 members were present in person or by proxy, representing a quorum (109 minimum number required for a quorum).


Sharyn Anhalt informed the members that the first order of business needed to be nominations for meeting chair and minute taker. Sharyn was nominated, seconded, and approved to chair the meeting. Karin Jennings was nominated, seconded, and approved to record minutes of the meeting. Sharyn proceeded to call the meeting to order, reminded members that Robert's Rules of Order govern our meetings and procedures and gave a quick overview of the procedures for this meeting. It was also announced that ballots and/or proxies would be counted at the conclusion of the meeting, and that anyone interested in participating or observing was welcome to remain for that process.


McIlhattan Trail Project

Stuart Jennings started the discussion by summarizing the 2011 Annual Membership Meeting and the follow-up with Jack Schunke regarding Golf Course Partners' (GCP) opposition to the trail. A summary was also provided regarding ski trail grooming on the golf course by the Bridger Ski Foundation (BSF) and that GCP entered into an agreement with BSF in the fall of 2011 to provide for continued grooming of ski trails. Sharyn added that our Covenants and Final Plat Conditions provide for access across the golf course to access the creek and mentioned that she is working with the City to clarify these access issues.


There was a question requesting presentation of the specific location for this trail segment. Stuart held up an air photo, oriented everyone to the layout/landscape and pointed to the location of the trail and other parkland in the subdivision. Discussion followed regarding the trail easement on the Final Plat along the north boundary of Phase 2 and where that is located. Discussion ensued regarding the larger trail system, and the City-wide Main Street to the Mountains (MS2M) trail network.


A question was raised about the costs of the McIlhattan trail and project. A summary of the original estimate prepared in 2011 was provided, and it was clarified that the Membership is voting to approve or disapprove the concept of the trail adjacent to McIlhattan Road, not necessarily the project budget. A question was raised about whether it is appropriate to spend funds on property not owned by the Association. In response, it was stated that the Association regularly spends monies on property not owned by the Association. An example is the Park in Phase 3 which is owned by the City and maintained by our Association. A question was raised about what benefit the trail would bring and why spend the money? Discussion followed from some that nearby trails increase and improve quality of life for residents. A member wanted to know who at the City approved the trail project last year? Stuart replied that there were many meetings with various people in various departments and that it is generally not one specific person at the City that single-handedly provides approval. [The trail can only be approved when a plan is submitted to the City. A plan has not been submitted for approval.]


Comments were provided opposing construction of the trail due to safety concerns. Counter comments were provided that the walking on the trail would be safer than walking in McIlhattan Road.


Clarification was requested for whether the money is currently available for this trail project. Sharyn answered that money has been reserved by the Board of Directors from prior years' operating budgets, and the current reserve balance is $19,000. The project is expected to be funded from this reserve and the current annual operating budget, and no special assessments would be needed. If any improvement project requires a special assessment, the board would bring that to a vote of the members.


Comments were provided in support of trails in general, that they improve quality of life, and provide for feelings of safety for people of all ages. Urged residents to walk McIlhattan Road and try it out if they haven't experienced walking there without the benefit of a trail. Another comment was provided that this project should be viewed more as a sidewalk – a necessary sidewalk - than a trail


Dorick Sauvageau, GCP representative to the Association's Board of Directors, restated that GCP remains adamantly opposed to building this trail along McIlhattan Road. Constructing this trail will impact the agreement with BSF regarding ski trail grooming. A member asked Dorick to clarify why GCP is opposed. Dorick refused to clarify stating that he covered GCP's position at the meeting last year and that he wouldn't go into it again.


Dane Gamble, representing Great Northern Golf (GNG), the entity that leases the property from GCP and operates the Bridger Creek Golf Course, was present and asked to be able to comment on GNG's position. Since Dane is not a Member, Sharyn asked for a motion for Dane to address the Members. A motion was made, seconded and approved for Dane to address the Members and explain GNG's position on the trail. Dane proceeded to explain that their concern is about the trail users not simply using the trail but also going off the trail onto the golf course, and how GNG is concerned for the safety of these users with respect to golf balls.


A question was raised about a map on GVLT's web site depicting a network of trails. Stuart addressed this question, first stating that he is a current Board Member of GVLT. He is familiar with that map. It is simply a projection of potential trail corridors and trail connections.


A member questioned the set aside of such a large amount of funds. Joan Michlin, Board member, mentioned that in the two years she's been on the board that discussions have only been about the trail and that she feels there is an imbalance in how monies have been used or not used with regard to the entire community. Bill Ranard was asked whether he would comment on the history of the dues increase that was approved by the Members in 2002, since he served on the Board of Directors at that time. Bill provided a summary of the dues increase, originating from the fact that the subdivision wasn't even breaking even and that he and another member had to loan money to simply cover Association expenses. The Membership approved an increase in the minimum assessment per lot from $25/year to $75/year. The purpose of this increase was to provide funds annually for subdivision improvements. He added that it was intended that the increased funds could accumulate and be set aside to future years to enable larger projects rather than being forced to complete projects in a piecemeal fashion.


A concern was raised about the possible loss of skiing on the golf course based on Dorick's previous comments. It was mentioned again that an agreement was entered into between GCP and BSF governing grooming of ski trails. Dorick stated that the contract would be cancelled if this trail project was approved.


It was asked of Dane how is moving pedestrian traffic from the road to a trail adjacent to the road any more dangerous to walkers with respect to golf balls? Dane responded that their concern is for people's safety and that they expect more people using the trail therefore their risk is increased because of the increase in people. The point was made by another member that there are many sidewalks along greens and that using these sidewalks would pose equal risk to pedestrians from golf balls. A member provided comments in favor of trails in general, providing connection between the subdivision phases, and connecting to the larger MS2M trail system.


There was a call to question. A motion was made to move to vote on the McIlhattan Trail Project. Motion was seconded and passed. Members were allowed time to cast their vote on their ballots.


Design Committee Report

Sharyn explained that Dave Andreassi, Design Committee Chair, was not able to make the meeting tonight and asked whether Dorick, who is a member of the committee, wished to provide an update. Dorick provided an update that there are no proposals currently pending at the committee and is no new business to report on. A fence was built in phase 3 without review by the Design Committee, and Dave has contacted them regarding compliance. Current committee members are Dave Andreassi and Dorick Sauvageau.


Park & Trails Committee Report

Stuart Jennings, Park & Trails Committee Chair for the past several years, introduced additional committee members, including Karin Jennings, Sharyn Anhalt, George Durkin, Lessa Racow, Adam Racow, and Rollie Rounds. Stuart introduced Adam Racow as the Chair of the Park & Trails Committee, appointed by the Board at their February 28, 2012 meeting.


Stuart reported on recent activities of the committee and the priority list that was developed following Member input at a meeting at the library in December. He summarized the prioritization of projects that was made by the committee in January and presented to the Board. Potential projects were ranked in the following order: 1) work toward trail connections and implementation to include a) the existing trail easement along the north boundary of Phase 2 (as shown on the Final Plat), b) construction of a trail along the west side of Story Mill Road from the existing trail in the Phase 3 park (near Caddie Court) to the corner of Story Mill/McIlhattan, and c) Phase 3 park improvements; 2) development of a Tot Lot in the park in Phase 2; and 3) completion of the proposed trail along the east side of McIlhattan Road between Augusta Drive and the existing trail in the Phase 3 park. The Committee presented the ranked projects to the Board, and the Board directed the Committee to develop a potential design for a Tot Lot in Phase 2. Lessa Racow graciously volunteered her time and expertise and worked up several schematics of potential tot lot designs for the south end of the Phase 2 park. These designs were presented at an informal meeting in March 2012. This meeting resulted in significant opposition, mostly from immediate neighbors, to a tot lot of any design within the Phase 2 park. Stuart stated that the current priority project for the committee will either be the McIlhattan Trail or the Story Mill Trail segments depending on the outcome of the current vote on the McIlhattan Trail.


Stuart mentioned, for general information, that there are plans by the City to put forth a bond for parkland on the November ballot. It is currently unknown what the specifics of this bond will cover or whether our Association may be able to benefit with use of funds from the bond. Stay tuned.


Stuart reviewed the Association budget items relating to parks and trails, and asked whether there were any questions. Tim Russell, Board member, requested more information on projects ahead of a vote. A member commented that it would be nice to open the committee up for more member input. Adam offered that as current Chair of the committee, for any parties who wish to be more involved in trails to please email the Association ( and those emails will be forwarded to his attention.


Stuart was thanked for his work and efforts over the past several years.


Treasurer's Report

Sharyn informed the membership that Joan Michlin, current Treasurer, has declined to present the Treasurer's Report. Sharyn had not received a response from the Board regarding how they wanted to proceed with the Treasurer's Report, and asked the two board members present, Joan and Tim Russell, Vice President, how they wanted to proceed. Joan offered her explanation for why she wasn't willing to provide the report and described the duties she has not been able to perform over the past two years and why. She was asked to fill the Treasurer's position at the meeting of the Board for election of officers, because she had experience with monetary matters. She said that Erik Steckmest, President, informed her that there wouldn't be anything she would need to do because the Association has a bookkeeper. Therefore, she is not prepared to provide the report.


A motion was made to have the bookkeeper, Sharyn Anhalt, provide the Treasurer's Report, which was seconded and passed. Sharyn reviewed the Balance Sheet from March 31, 2012 that was provided in the Annual Members Meeting Notice, as well as the Proposed Budget for July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013. The meeting was opened for questions regarding the Balance Sheet and Proposed Budget. The only question was for clarification of where snow removal occurs. In response, members were informed that snow removal paid by the Association only occurs on the sidewalks that front parkland; along the west end of Boylan in Phase 1 and on a small strip of Augusta on the south end of the Phase 2 park.


A motion to vote for approval of the Proposed Budget was made, seconded, and passed. Members were allowed time to cast their vote on their ballots.


Election of Directors

Sharyn informed the members that there were three candidates currently running for the two open seats on the Board of Directors, as listed in the Annual Meeting Notice, and requested nominations from the floor for the open positions. There was a separate motion to nominate each of the three candidates, Joan Michlin, Karin Jennings and Sharyn Anhalt, each motion was seconded and passed. Sharyn then asked for any additional nominations. There were none. Each candidate was allowed a brief opportunity to state their background and why they wanted to be elected to the Board. A question was asked regarding which members were going off the Board. Sharyn indicated that the two-year terms were completed for Carolyn Hopper and Joan Michlin.


A motion was made to vote for the three candidates for the Board, it was seconded and passed. Members were allowed time to cast their votes on their ballots.


New Business

No New Business was brought to the floor.


A motion was made to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded and passed.


The meeting adjourned at 9pm.


Ballot and/or Proxy Tally

Following the meeting Joan Michlin, Karin Jennings, Sharyn Anhalt and Leona Gibson remained to assist and observe the entry of ballots or proxies into the Excel spreadsheet.


The final results of the votes that were taken during the Annual Membership Meeting are as follows:


Members present at meeting, in person or by proxy = 167 (at least 109 are needed for a quorum)


Election of Directors:

Karin Jennings   130 votes – Elected to Board

Sharyn Anhalt    89 votes – Elected to Board

Joan Michlin       82 votes


Approval of Budget for 2012-2013: 128 yes, 39 no/abstain. Approved.


Approval of McIlhattan Trail Project:  86 yes, 81 no/abstain. Approved.