Wednesday, June 20, 2007

BCSCA Board Meeting Minutes 06-18-07

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association

Board of Directors

Minutes of Special Meeting – June 18, 2007


The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM at the Bozeman Public Library by President Kim Janzen. Also in attendance were the following Board members: Ernie Vyse, Sharyn Anhalt, Dorick Sauvageau, representing a quorum. Lynn Perkins did not attend.


The minutes of the Board Meeting from June 11, 2007 were presented and approved. Issue of terms of directors of the Board was raised; since three new directors were elected at the May 2007 annual meeting, one director will need to serve the remaining term of the director that resigned. A motion was made, seconded, and approved that Kim Janzen serve a one year term, and Ernie Vyse and Sharyn Anhalt serve two year terms on the Board.


Kim Janzen presented a letter to the Board dated June 14th, 2007 from attorney J Troy Redmon of Dringman & Redmon PC regarding enforcement of Covenants and the Verellen residence. Mr. Redmon wrote on behalf of his client, Gayle Hokanson, a neighboring property owner of the Verellen residence. The letter requests a response from the Board as to whether legal action will be pursued, and if not, the basis for our refusal to pursue action. After much discussion surrounding the issues related to this residence, a motion was made, seconded, and approved to draft a response to the attorney indicating that the Board would not take action at this time. Sharyn will prepare a draft letter and circulate it to the Board Members prior to mailing.


Dorick presented an update of activities by Golf Course Partners. The rezoned lots in Phase 1 will be developed very soon; Dave Andreassi is the contractor developing the condo/townhome units. The architectural plan will be submitted to the Design Committee soon; the units are thought to be all single level. Bids will be taken for infrastructure, and depending on city approval, construction should begin by Fall 2007. The 7 acre lot will be mowed for weeds, and Dorick has also contacted the owner of lot 18 regarding mowing. Golf Course Partners will be replacing some trees along the boulevard on Boylan. Dorick will also contact Stuart Jennings regarding completing the sidewalk along Story Mill; GCP is responsible for this portion of the sidewalk since that parcel was not deeded to the subdivision. Stuart has been in contact with Popes, the owners of the lot along Story Mill to arrange for an easement. Sharyn, Ernie, and Kim agreed to look over vacant lots in each phase and report back to the Board at the next meeting if any further mowing is needed on vacant lots.


Sharyn presented a cash flow analysis for the Association funds through December 2007. We will need to spend funds carefully until the next dues assessment is scheduled in January. We have arranged to pay the attorney bill over the next six months, and have ceased all work by the attorney. Ernie will contact our liability insurance carrier to see if premiums can be paid quarterly. The irrigation will be scaled back on the phase 1 parks in order to reduce the amount of lawn mowing necessary; Sharyn will contact Grasschoppers to change to a 14 day mowing cycle. Dorick will find out who can reset the irrigation timers. If necessary, we will pursue a short term loan to get through this year. The Board will not assess any additional dues to the members at this time.


Discussion regarding Covenants Committee will be on agenda for the next meeting. There is some thought that this committee will not be formed this year, due to lack of interest by the members. Members should report any perceived covenant violations directly to the Board. Parks Committee report will be on the agenda for the next meeting, as Karin Jennings will attend. Karin will also be a member of the Parks & Trails Committee. We are trying to coordinate some volunteers to perform trail work this year, since funds are limited.


The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:30 PM.


Submitted by: Sharyn Anhalt, Secretary/Treasurer