Monday, August 20, 2007

Aug 14th Board Meeting Minutes

Bridger Creek Subdivision Community Association

Board of Directors

Minutes of Meeting – August 14, 2007


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM at the Bozeman Public Library by Vice President Ernie Vyse. Also in attendance were the following Board members: Sharyn Anhalt, Dorick Sauvageau, and Lynn Perkins representing a quorum. Kim Janzen did not attend. Members present at the meeting included Les Fischer, Bill Ranard, Paul Gianas, Bob Beehler, Arlene Tonon, and Bob Sarfi. The minutes of the Board Meeting from July 10, 2007 were presented and approved.


Discussion was held about scheduling conflicts for the next two regular scheduled board meetings. The September 11, 2007 meeting will be held as scheduled, although a quorum may not be present. The October meeting will be rescheduled for October 2nd, the first Tuesday in October.


Financial report presented by Sharyn –we have just over $5000 in checking, and over $5800 in accounts payable, all due for attorney fees to Rhett Nemelka. The $10,000 CD is rolling over this month, and Lynn will take care of cashing that in and depositing to our checking account. Paul Gianas suggested that in the future, the Board consider a Money Market account for holding excess funds so we are not limited with the timing of certificates of deposit.


Sharyn expressed concern over the procedures in place with the bookkeeper. Jayne, the bookkeeper, has the key to the PO Box to pick up bills and other letters. The board does not have the opportunity to review bills before checks are prepared, and there has been a delay with correspondence sent to the board. It was motioned and approved to have a Board Member check the PO Box from now on, and then we will forward the bills to Jayne. Ernie volunteered to check the PO Box, and Sharyn will get the key from Jayne.


Discussion was held regarding the letter received from Rhett Nemelka, the attorney hired by the previous board, and his refusal to provide the Association's file. Dorick agreed to call him and request the file again. We will hold off on any other action for now, and will not pay his bill until we have had a chance to review the file.


Design Committee – Les Fischer reported that no new plans have been submitted to the committee. However, the committee has met to discuss procedures and methods for ensuring that new construction conforms to the covenants. The committee has not been able to locate the original plans approved for the Verellen house, and could only locate a copy of the plans. These plans were not adequate to do a thorough review of whether the finished construction conformed to the approved plans.


Several problems associated with homeowners that border the golf course were presented. In phase 2, two homeowners have erected nets along their property lines that were not approved by the Design Committee. In phase 1, along the 6th hole, a group of condo owners have placed signs in their yards warning golfers not to enter their property to retrieve balls. Dorick will work with the phase 1 owners to try and work out a netting solution and perhaps have the signs removed. There was no conclusion to the problem in phase 2, but the board will need to address this in the future. Netting to protect homes and people from golf balls will be approved, as long as the netting is removable during the off-season.


Parks Committee – Sharyn presented an email from Stuart Jennings, who could not attend the meeting. Stuart has been in contact with City Planning regarding requirements for new park land due to the rezoning of the commercial lots along Birdie Drive. Dorick was not aware of any discussion in this regard, and will follow up with Golf Course Partners.


Covenant & Bylaw Review Committee – this new committee was appointed by the Board, with Bill Ranard to serve as chairperson. Bob Sarfi was also appointed to the committee, and Bill has several other homeowners that may possibly participate. The committee would like some clear direction from the Board regarding goals, and hopes to have a 60-90 day period of comments and suggestions from homeowners. Methods of gathering comments were suggested, and the Board will need to discuss goals again at a future meeting.


Dorick reported that Golf Course Partners is the process of completing sidewalks along the unimproved lots in phase 3, and along Boylan Rd. The architectural plans for the rezoned lots along Birdie have not yet been completed.


Lynn suggested that the Board recess and resume the meeting in executive session in order to discuss our response to Gayle Hokanson's attorney, and the recent letter to the Board from Gayle. There was no discussion or motions made regarding executive session, but all the members except Les Fischer left the meeting at this point.


Lynn then made a motion that the Board not correspond with Gayle or her attorney directly, and that all contact should be through an attorney hired by the Board. Considerable discussion was held about hiring an attorney to represent the Association at this point, since there was no pending litigation and the Board would not be initiating any legal action. The motion was revised so that the Board could write a response to Gayle's attorney indicating that we would not be taking any action. The Board agreed unanimously that absent any clear evidence that the Verellen house was not built according to plan, it would be unwise to begin any legal action. If we receive any further correspondence or threat of litigation, then the Board will hire an attorney to proceed with the issue. A special assessment to the members may be needed to pay for legal fees.


The next regular meeting of the Board will be Tuesday Sept 11th, at 7:30 PM (note time change due to availability of meeting room) at the Bozeman Public Library. The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:45 PM.


Submitted by: Sharyn Anhalt, Secretary/Treasurer

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Agenda for BCSCA Board Meeting August 14, 2007



7PM Tuesday August 14, 2007





  1. Review minutes from July 10th Board Meeting
  2. Revise schedule for October Board meeting.
  3. Review of finances. We have $5000 in checking plus the $10,000 CD. Accounts Payable is $5886, all due to attorney Rhett Nemelka. Report from Lynn on whether the CD was cashed, so it can be deposited to the checking account.
  4. Discuss letter from Rhett Nemelka regarding his refusal to provide the board with our file. Propose filing a complaint with the State Bar, since this is against the professional rules of conduct. In addition, we need to review the records before paying the balance due, to ensure we were billed properly.
  5. Committee reports, if available.
  6. Design committee report on their review of the Verrellen house. Draft a reply to Gayle Hokanson's attorney. Also discuss the recent letter from Gayle Hokanson to the Board.
  7. New Business